03.12. 00:07:19.867 ***Logfile for Yuri's Revenge client*** 03.12. 00:07:19.882 Client version: 03.12. 00:07:19.882 Loading settings. 03.12. 00:07:19.898 Initializing updater. 03.12. 00:07:19.898 Update mirror count: 1 03.12. 00:07:19.898 Running from: clientdx.exe 03.12. 00:07:19.898 Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0 03.12. 00:07:19.898 Selected OS profile: Windows Vista 03.12. 00:07:19.929 Attempting to delete temporary updater directory. 03.12. 00:07:19.960 Removing partial custom component downloads. 03.12. 00:07:19.960 Checking for the existence of FinalSun.ini. 03.12. 00:07:19.960 FinalSun.ini doesn't exist - writing default settings. 03.12. 00:07:19.960 An exception occured while checking the existence of FinalSun settings 03.12. 00:07:19.960 Writing installation path to the Windows registry. 03.12. 00:07:20.007 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info: 03.12. 00:07:20.007 Message: Δεν είναι δυνατή η φόρτωση του DLL 'd3d11.dll': Δεν ήταν δυνατό να εντοπιστεί η καθορισμένη μονάδα. (Εξαίρεση από HRESULT: 0x8007007E) 03.12. 00:07:20.023 Source: SharpDX.Direct3D11 03.12. 00:07:20.023 TargetSite.Name: D3D11CreateDevice_ 03.12. 00:07:20.023 Stacktrace: σε SharpDX.Direct3D11.D3D11.D3D11CreateDevice_(Void* arg0, Int32 arg1, Void* arg2, Int32 arg3, Void* arg4, Int32 arg5, Int32 arg6, Void* arg7, Void* arg8, Void* arg9) σε SharpDX.Direct3D11.D3D11.CreateDevice(Adapter adapterRef, DriverType driverType, IntPtr software, DeviceCreationFlags flags, FeatureLevel[] featureLevelsRef, Int32 featureLevels, Int32 sDKVersion, Device deviceOut, FeatureLevel& featureLevelRef, DeviceContext& immediateContextOut) σε SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.GetSupportedFeatureLevel() σε Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.PlatformGetHighestSupportedGraphicsProfile(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) σε Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.GetHighestSupportedGraphicsProfile(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) σε Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager..ctor(Game game) σε ​‮‫‎​‏‪‫‌‍‬‪‮‫‭​‏‬‏‪‭‏‍‪‭‪‮..ctor() σε ‪‮‭‎‍‍‌‮‫‬‍‮‌‌‎‬‮‏‫‍‌‌‌‌‏‎‮.‏‍‌​‪‌‮‍‎‌‌​‫‭‮‌‭‎‮‎‪‏‪‬‬‫‮() σε ‬‌‌‏‍‪‭‍‌‮‍‭‬‪‍‌‏​‮‌‍‎‎‌​‍‮‮.‭‍‮‭‌‍‍‭‍‭‪‎‏‮‫‫‏‌‭​‎‍‪‫‌‭‮‎‭‍‮(String[] ) σε ‬‏‍‭‎‪‌‫‎‍‬‫​‭‍‮‍‬‫‭‫‫‫‮.‍‭‪‌‏‫‎‮‎‫‎‮‭​‬‭‌​‬‫‬‭‬‎‮(String[] ) 03.12. 00:07:21.045 Hardware info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 cores) Video controller: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT