04.08. 14:48:26.994 ***Logfile for Yuri's Revenge client*** 04.08. 14:48:27.011 Client version: 04.08. 14:48:27.012 Loading settings. 04.08. 14:48:27.033 Initializing updater. 04.08. 14:48:27.040 Update mirror count: 1 04.08. 14:48:27.041 Running from: clientdx.exe 04.08. 14:48:27.042 Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 04.08. 14:48:27.042 Selected OS profile: WIN7 04.08. 14:48:27.043 Removing partial custom component downloads. 04.08. 14:48:27.045 Checking for the existence of FinalSun.ini. 04.08. 14:48:27.046 FinalSun.ini doesn't exist - writing default settings. 04.08. 14:48:27.049 An exception occured while checking the existence of FinalSun settings 04.08. 14:48:27.051 Writing installation path to the Windows registry. 04.08. 14:48:27.285 Initializing GameClass. 04.08. 14:48:27.434 InitGraphicsMode: 1920x1080 04.08. 14:48:27.499 Checking local file versions. 04.08. 14:48:27.502 Loading maps. 04.08. 14:48:27.968 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\mag doesn't exist! 04.08. 14:48:27.992 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\clover doesn't exist! 04.08. 14:48:27.997 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\hexbay doesn't exist! 04.08. 14:48:28.205 Hardware info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores) Video controller: Intel(R) HD Graphics Video controller: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 04.08. 14:48:28.266 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\63897d11c93be002b325e92ea67a307fe2dca227.png 04.08. 14:48:28.282 bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭​‌​‮‫‫​‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍​‭‍‬​‬‮‍‍​​‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 04.08. 14:48:28.297 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\8297f789f566546c85304cc0a27c1d90825a5786.png 04.08. 14:48:28.303 bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭​‌​‮‫‫​‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍​‭‍‬​‬‮‍‍​​‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 04.08. 14:48:28.305 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\fc232662b18a7b47256192f11e3a568f9fabff47.png 04.08. 14:48:28.307 bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭​‌​‮‫‫​‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) bei ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏​‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍​‭‍‬​‬‮‍‍​​‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 04.08. 14:48:28.603 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.608 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.613 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.618 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.623 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.627 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.632 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.637 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.641 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.646 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.651 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 04.08. 14:48:28.743 Attempting to parse INI\Battle.ini to populate mission list. 04.08. 14:48:28.744 File INI\Battle.ini not found. Ignoring. 04.08. 14:48:28.745 Attempting to parse INI\BattleE.ini to populate mission list. 04.08. 14:48:28.746 File INI\BattleE.ini not found. Ignoring. 04.08. 14:48:28.774 Saved Games directory not found! 04.08. 14:48:28.883 Skipping reading statistics because the file doesn't exist! 04.08. 14:48:28.919 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:28.921 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:28.922 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:28.922 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:28.923 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:28.924 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 04.08. 14:48:29.135 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! getready.wav 04.08. 14:48:29.137 MultiplayerGameLobby: Saved games are not available! 04.08. 14:48:29.373 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! getready.wav 04.08. 14:48:29.374 MultiplayerGameLobby: Saved games are not available! 04.08. 14:48:29.464 AudioMaster exception: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. 04.08. 14:48:29.467 SoundPlayer exception when setting volume: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. 04.08. 14:48:29.491 Loading friend list failed! 04.08. 14:48:29.508 Loading song Yuri Theme\MainMenuTheme failed! Message: Die DLL "mf.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden. 04.08. 14:48:29.510 CheckForUpdates() 04.08. 14:48:29.518 Checking version on the server. 04.08. 14:48:29.522 Trying to connect to update mirror http://downloads.cncnet.org/updates/yr/ 04.08. 14:48:29.605 Writing settings INI. 04.08. 14:48:29.615 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info: 04.08. 14:48:29.617 Message: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. 04.08. 14:48:29.619 Source: MonoGame.Framework 04.08. 14:48:29.620 TargetSite.Name: get_State 04.08. 14:48:29.621 Stacktrace: bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.get_State() bei ‬‬​‪​‮‌‮​‭​‌‌‍‏‌‬‪‌‫‪‎‫‍‎​‪‮.‌‮‌‌‌‬‮‪‏‭‌‬‌‌‮‬‌‭‮‭‮(Object , EventArgs ) bei System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) bei ClientCore.UserINISettings.SaveSettings() bei ‬‬​‪​‮‌‮​‭​‌‌‍‏‌‬‪‌‫‪‎‫‍‎​‪‮.‏‭‎‌​‪‫‭‎​‏‪‎‍‎‏‮‎‪‎‌​‎‌‏‌‏‬‮() bei ‬‬​‪​‮‌‮​‭​‌‌‍‏‌‬‪‌‫‪‎‫‍‎​‪‮.‬‪‬‬‬​‬‪‍‬‬‌‫‎​‏‪‌‭‪‫​‪‮() bei ‫‫‮‮‬‬‏‏‭‎‬‬‬‪​‭‌‮‬‏​‮.​‏‭‏‌‌‏‪‮​‌‏​‪‮​‍‫‎‬‌‫‪​‎‬‌‌‎‮() bei ‫‫‮‮‬‬‏‏‭‎‬‬‬‪​‭‌‮‬‏​‮.‮‏​‬‬‫‎‎‬‫​‭‮‍‏‎‮‍‌‎‪‏‭‏‬‮(GameTime ) bei Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.Update(GameTime gameTime) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.<>c.<.cctor>b__114_1(IUpdateable updateable, GameTime gameTime) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.SortingFilteringCollection`1.ForEachFilteredItem[TUserData](Action`2 action, TUserData userData) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() bei MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGameWindow.RunLoop() bei MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGamePlatform.RunLoop() bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() bei ‍‎‏‭‍‏‮‍‏​‫‭‌‭‮‌‪‍‍‫‮.‭‌‏‏‫​‭‎‍​‬‎‌‫‮‪‍‌‍​‌‪‮‭‎​‮() bei ‎‪‍‬‪‏‪‭‬‌‏‎‫‪‍‍‌​​​‪‭‌‪‭‭‮.‍‪​‪‎‫‎‮‫‫​‫‍‪‭‮‬‎‎‏‭‎​​‮‍‮(String[] ) bei ‍‎‬‮​‮‌‭‌‮‫‎‎‍‌‎‪‫‬‮‮‎‮‌‍‭​‮.‬‌‮‭​‍‪‮‭‮‫‪‫‬‬‮(String[] ) 04.08. 14:48:29.622 InnerException info: 04.08. 14:48:29.623 Message: Die DLL "mf.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden. 04.08. 14:48:29.624 Stacktrace: bei SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.MFCreateMediaSession_(Void* arg0, Void* arg1) bei SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.CreateMediaSession(MediaAttributes configurationRef, MediaSession& mediaSessionOut) bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.PlatformInitialize() bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer..cctor() 04.08. 14:48:29.757 Downloaded version information, parsing. 04.08. 14:48:29.760 Server game version is, local version is 04.08. 14:48:29.763 Gathering list of files to be downloaded. Server file info count: 439 04.08. 14:48:29.764 Local file Resources\Binaries\Windows\ClientCore.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.765 Local file Resources\Binaries\Windows\ClientGUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.766 Local file Resources\Binaries\Windows\DTAConfig.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.767 Local file Resources\Binaries\Windows\Rampastring.XNAUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.768 Local file Resources\Binaries\XNA\ClientCore.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.769 Local file Resources\Binaries\XNA\ClientGUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.770 Local file Resources\Binaries\XNA\DTAConfig.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.770 Local file Resources\Binaries\XNA\Rampastring.XNAUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.771 Local file Resources\Binaries\OpenGL\ClientCore.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.772 Local file Resources\Binaries\OpenGL\ClientGUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.773 Local file Resources\Binaries\OpenGL\DTAConfig.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.774 Local file Resources\Binaries\OpenGL\Rampastring.XNAUI.dll is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.775 File Resources\Binaries\CnCNetServices.dll doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.776 File Resources\Binaries\CnCNetServices.dll not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.777 File Resources\Binaries\Newtonsoft.Json.dll doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.778 File Resources\Binaries\Newtonsoft.Json.dll not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.779 File Resources\Binaries\RestSharp.dll doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.780 File Resources\Binaries\RestSharp.dll not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.781 Local file gamemd-spawn.exe is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.782 Local file INI\Game Options\RA2 Classic Mode.ini is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.784 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\mag.map doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.786 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\mag.map not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.787 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\clover.map doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.788 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\clover.map not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.789 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\hexbay.map doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.791 File Maps\Yuri's Revenge\hexbay.map not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.792 Local file Resources\clientdx.exe is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.793 Local file Resources\clientxna.exe is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.794 File Resources\clientogl.exe doesn't exist on local version information - checking if it exists in the directory. 04.08. 14:48:29.796 File Resources\clientogl.exe not found. Adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.797 Local file Resources\LoadingScreen.ini is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.798 Local file Resources\Yuri Theme\MainMenu.ini is different, adding it to the download queue. 04.08. 14:48:29.800 File identifiers updated.