06.09. 17:32:05.754 PreStartUp ** Logfile for Yuri's Revenge client 06.09. 17:32:05.763 PreStartUp ** Client version: 06.09. 17:32:05.764 PreStartUp ** Loading settings. 06.09. 17:32:05.819 StartUp ** Initializing updater. 06.09. 17:32:05.826 Update mirror count: 1 06.09. 17:32:05.827 Running from: clientdx.exe 06.09. 17:32:05.828 StartUp ** Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 06.09. 17:32:05.828 StartUp ** Selected OS profile: WIN810 06.09. 17:32:05.829 StartUp ** Removing partial custom component downloads. 06.09. 17:32:05.831 Checking for the existence of FinalSun.ini. 06.09. 17:32:05.831 FinalSun.ini doesn't exist - writing default settings. 06.09. 17:32:05.837 An exception occured while checking the existence of FinalSun settings 06.09. 17:32:05.838 StartUp ** Writing installation path to the Windows registry. 06.09. 17:32:07.335 StartUp ** Hardware info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz (2 cores) Video controller: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 06.09. 17:32:10.255 Initializing GameClass. 06.09. 17:32:10.502 InitGraphicsMode: 1024x768 06.09. 17:32:10.617 Checking local file versions. 06.09. 17:32:12.714 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.722 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.729 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.735 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.742 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.749 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.756 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.763 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.769 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.775 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.781 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.787 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.793 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 06.09. 17:32:12.946 Attempting to parse INI\Battle.ini to populate mission list. 06.09. 17:32:12.947 File INI\Battle.ini not found. Ignoring. 06.09. 17:32:12.947 Attempting to parse INI\BattleE.ini to populate mission list. 06.09. 17:32:12.947 File INI\BattleE.ini not found. Ignoring. 06.09. 17:32:12.983 Saved Games directory not found! 06.09. 17:32:13.170 Skipping reading statistics because the file doesn't exist! 06.09. 17:32:13.240 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.241 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.241 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.241 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.242 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.242 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.243 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.243 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! none 06.09. 17:32:13.605 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! getready.wav 06.09. 17:32:13.605 MultiplayerGameLobby ** Saved games are not available! 06.09. 17:32:14.009 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! getready.wav 06.09. 17:32:14.009 MultiplayerGameLobby ** Saved games are not available! 06.09. 17:32:14.150 AudioMaster exception: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer' threw an exception. 06.09. 17:32:14.156 SoundPlayer exception when setting volume: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer' threw an exception. 06.09. 17:32:14.222 Loading song Yuri Theme\MainMenuTheme failed! Message: Unable to load DLL 'mf.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) 06.09. 17:32:14.223 CheckForUpdates() 06.09. 17:32:14.238 Checking version on the server. 06.09. 17:32:14.241 Trying to connect to update mirror http://downloads.cncnet.org/updates/yr/ 06.09. 17:32:14.364 Map Preview ** Checking for maps in: D:\Origin games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Custom 06.09. 17:32:14.368 Map Preview ** Checking for maps in: D:\Origin games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II 06.09. 17:32:14.373 Map Preview ** Map Rendering Count: 173 06.09. 17:32:14.390 MapPreview ** Starting map generator. 06.09. 17:32:14.391 MapPreview ** Input map: D:\Origin games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\XMP19T4.map 06.09. 17:32:14.391 MapPreview ** Output map: XMP19T4 06.09. 17:32:14.556 Downloaded version information, parsing. 06.09. 17:32:14.573 Server game version is, local version is 06.09. 17:32:14.573 File identifiers updated. 06.09. 17:32:14.575 Checking if custom components are outdated. 06.09. 17:32:17.099 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info: 06.09. 17:32:17.099 Message: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer' threw an exception. 06.09. 17:32:17.123 Source: MonoGame.Framework 06.09. 17:32:17.125 TargetSite.Name: get_State 06.09. 17:32:17.127 Stacktrace: at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.get_State() at ‬‍‏‬‎‮‫‬‭‪‫‍‌‫‍‌‭‎‪‏​‫‎​‏‌‏‪‎‮.‪‌‭‭‫‪‮‮‍‫‬‍‍‎‪‍‫‪‪‮‫‭‮() at ‬‍‏‬‎‮‫‬‭‪‫‍‌‫‍‌‭‎‪‏​‫‎​‏‌‏‪‎‮.‍‬​‭‬‏‏‫‍‪‎‎‌‭‭‌‪‬‍‫‌‭‪‍‭‮() at ‬‏‏‮‍‏‎‍‫‮‫‎‪‌‌‎‌‌‪‎‎‌‮‌‌‎​‮‪‮‍‬‮.‪‭‮‬‌‬‪‫‎‏‬‍‎‏‫​‫‮‮‭‌‪‏‌‪‪‮(Object , EventArgs ) at ‬‍‏‬‎‮‫‬‭‪‫‍‌‫‍‌‭‎‪‏​‫‎​‏‌‏‪‎‮.‏‮‎‭‬‫‫‫‎‫‪‌‏‎​‫‍‎‭‬​‎​‪‎‬‮(Object , EventArgs ) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.OnLeftClick() at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAButton.OnLeftClick() at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAButton.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) at ‬‍‏‬‎‮‫‬‭‪‫‍‌‫‍‌‭‎‪‏​‫‎​‏‌‏‪‎‮.​‪‬‏​‏​‎‍‏‎‫‎‪​‍‍‏‮‬‌‪‎‫‏‮(GameTime ) at Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.<>c.<.cctor>b__114_1(IUpdateable updateable, GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.SortingFilteringCollection`1.ForEachFilteredItem[TUserData](Action`2 action, TUserData userData) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() at MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGameWindow.RunLoop() at MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGamePlatform.RunLoop() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() at ‬‎‎‬‫‮‫‎‪‎‍​‎‎​‍‎‎‎‎‬‬‫‍‮.‭‪‌​‌‬‍‭‮​‪​‭‫‭‎‫‍‬‌​‫‮() at ‎​‭‎‪‎​​‭‬‪‫‬‌‮‍‎‭‪‫‪‌‎‫‍‫‬‌‭‫‮.‍​‍‫‏‬‏‍‍‮‏‪‮‮‍‎‍‫‍‌‍‬‌‭‫‮(String[] ) at ‍‫‎‏​‬‫‌‫‌‫‭‏‬‏‪‏‌‫‫‌‏‌‫‏‭‬‬‏​‫‮.‬‮‏‪‏‪‌‮‫‪‬‮‮‭​​‍‬‫‌‬‎‬‭‮‭‪‍​‪‎‫‮(String[] ) 06.09. 17:32:17.127 InnerException info: 06.09. 17:32:17.127 Message: Unable to load DLL 'Mfplat.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) 06.09. 17:32:17.128 Stacktrace: at SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.MFStartup_(Int32 arg0, Int32 arg1) at SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.Startup(Int32 version, Int32 dwFlags) at SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaManager.Startup(Boolean useLightVersion) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaManagerState.CheckStartup() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.PlatformInitialize() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer..cctor() 06.09. 17:32:23.969 MapPreview ** Moving file 06.09. 17:32:24.641 MapPreview ** Starting map generator. 06.09. 17:32:24.642 MapPreview ** Input map: D:\Origin games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\goldvall.map 06.09. 17:32:24.642 MapPreview ** Output map: goldvall