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C&C95 Patch 1.06c revision 2 released


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I found the language problem; it was related to the game reading map names from the briefings file. This happens whenever the map itself doesn't have a name set in it for the currently set game language. The problem was that it THEN tried to read the number of waypoints from the file loaded in memory... which, at that point, was no longer the map file, but the briefings file, which obviously contains no waypoints. I changed it to read the waypoints before retrying the name reading now, and that fixes the problem.


It's lined up for revision 3, which will probably arrive around the end of the month.


well I found that my issue with the map losing the bottom few cells had to do with the old hi-res savegames from V1.06c R1. Problem solved!

...never, EVER judge a patch by its effects on existing savegames. ALWAYS restart the mission first.

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