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Everything posted by Griffen

  1. Griffen

    Sync Error

    Ok, I'm trying to do a game with 3 people, but one of the players keeps getting an out of sync error. The versions all match, we all have updated CnCNet, etc. Also, this only shows up when all three of us try to play; I have no problem doing a game with either one as a 1v1. Any idea what's going on and what I can do? Thanks.
  2. Griffen

    Couple of questions

    If I create a game, should I be able to see it listed in the tally of games? As an example, I'll make a network game while connected into CnCNet and when I check the icon it still says 0 games. Is this normal?
  3. I just found out about this program and I have to say I love the idea. I have a few questions though: 1. Am I supposed to be able to see who is online in the browser based lobby? Currently CnCNet says there are 5 players online, but I don't see any. I have port 8054 forwarded, and CnCNet is not giving me any errors about it. Is there something I'm missing, or is this normal? 2. When are good times to catch people on? Thanks and great job with this program.
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