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  1. Rez

    MiRC Script for CnCNet

    I updated the script a bit I dont know Visual IRC though, MiRC is the best for me
  2. Rez

    MiRC Script for CnCNet

    Hi all, I made a IRC script wich automatically joins the chat if you have MiRC! step 1: open the Scripts Editor (ALT+R) step 2: click on the tab REMOTE step 3: click on FILE > NEW step 4: copy paste my script below step 5: add your personall information (nickname and nickserv password) step 6: press CTRL+S step 7: close editor and restart MiRC to see the result ;########## CnCNet IRC Script ########## ;# Rez, 2010 # ;########################################### on *:START:{ ;##### SETTINGS ##### .set %cncnick NICKNAME .set %cncnickservpass NICKSERVPASSWORD .set %cncserver chat.eu.freenode.net .set %cncport +7070 .set %cncnetwork FreeNode .set %cncchannel #cncnet ;### END SETTINGS ### .server -m %cncserver %cncport } on *:NOTICE:*This nickname is registered*:?:{ if ($network == %cncnetwork) { .nick %cncnick .msg nickserv identify %cncnickservpass .join %cncchannel } } Greetz, Rez
  3. Hi all, I still have problems with the inverted colours, I tried http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=711.0. Which only fixes it partly. After the fix, - the intro movie has strange colours, - after you alt-tabbed the game, the menus have strange colours again. If you go to a new menu or close the current menu, it's OK again... The rest is OK, but it's still not totally fixed. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit.. Greetz, Rez
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