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  1. Thanks guys. I have it working finally. I am not a fan of some of the color in the game so I will read the other forums to try to fix that unless anyone has a quick fix for the discoloration when building, subs under water etc.
  2. I assume you ment right click and run as administrator.... I did that and was able to install the program but when I go to play the game by clicking on the RA icon I get an error box that is titled "Launcher config file missing" with the message "You must run the game from its install directory"..... again I have no idea what that means. The other thing that I noticed was that the westwood chat thing tries to install so like it was suggested in other forums I have changed the name of RA95.LCF to _RA95.LCF. But there is already a file with this name so I end up having _RA95.LCF and _RA95 (2).LCF in that folder. To compound my confusion, and maybe yours, the map editor works, but not the game itself.... any thoughts on all of this? Cheers
  3. Hey I have read through all of the forums here and I cannot find one that deals with the problem I am having trying to do install and play RA. Can someone help me please? If I download RA+ from http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=21 and then try to install on my computer with windows 7, after the installation I get the error message: Unable to execute file: C:\Westwood\Red Alert\RA95.EXE CreateProcess failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation. I know very little about computers.... so if you can explain that to me in the simplest terms it would be appreciated. Cheers
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