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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Swiching what? I fliping the HELI and HIND in the .exe but that just messed the helipad free helicopter. I'll just aircraft replacement for multiplayer only tell I have a fix.
  2. Yes, If I have aircraft replacement enabled, both sides build the same helicopter [HELI] as a replacement for the one shoot down.
  3. Aircraft replacement can be set by AI IQ. I will just set aircraft replacement at a IQ of 5 that is only used for multiplayer.
  4. The Soviets/Nod start with the HIND that comes free with the helipad but after I shoot that one down the AI will replace them with HELI. The AI don't follow the Prerequisite I give it too. At this point I will just flip the setting for aircraft replacement so that Ai will only replace them in multiplayer.
  5. You can add-on to the ant mission by swiching OneTimeOnly=yes to no in the SCA04EA.ini. After that the game will look for the next map (SCA05EA.ini) all the way up to SCA10EA.ini but at SCA10EA.ini the CounterStrike disk don't work as the game wants the Allied disk. The game won't read any thing after SCA10EA.ini I'm think SCA prefix are left overs from C&C95 just like V20-V37 found in the game and rules.
  6. Squiched all the bugs Soviet/Nod and Allied/GDI campaigns had to recode half the GDI missions.... When I started playing the campaigns it was fun but now it sucks! I still have AF, CS and Ants that I added on to for a total of 43 more to go! Is there any place I can recruit a tester? An is the any away from stoping the Soviet/Nod AI from replacing the shot down Apaches with ORCAs? I tryed fliping the HELI and HIND in the .exe but that just messed thing up more.
  7. Maybe by the time you finish your exams maybe I'll have played all the Nod and GDI campaigns to check for bugs.
  8. Thats fine. I was wondering if I did something wrong or made your mad it me. It just school.
  9. I've got the cc*.mix'es down to 8.3. Squiched a few bugs in Aftermath. Ant missons and a missing slide from the credits at the end of the game. Have you gotten a change to play the mod your self yet?
  10. I changed the string sc*.mix in the exe to cc*.mix. I prob will keep using CC- it will meke it easyer to find what mix is what but I will get them down to 8.3. How is the rest of the mod?
  11. What one is over 8.3? I never added any letters to m... Oh CC-*Name here*.mix files. I never added any letters to any of the other mix files but replaced the last letter with a "!". CC-*Name here*.mix files are way over 8.3. The name on CC-*Name here*.mix file can be cut down but they have to start with CC-, CC- was SC- that was from the C&C95 engine.
  12. What file are you talikng about? I think yor saying I need to shorten RA-1 to C&C95.exe that will go in the RA-1 folder?
  13. I thought I would ask since you quit yours to do remapping research and C&C95. In the installer you will have select your Red Alert directory. After the installer finishes you will have to go to your Red Alert directory and start the mod from RA-1 to C&C95.exe if you have normal RA-1 OR RA-1 to C&C95_TFD.exe if you have TFD RA-1. I put both .exes in there since I didn't now know what one you have but you probably have normal and TFD Red Alert 1 . http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TLUNY002 The file list at 187 MB and 40min for a 54.0Mbps D-Link wireless card, You may get a faster time. You don't have to look at it any time soon I know it is the holidays. So look at it when you can! Thanks! ? needs to replace ? sig. With a RA-1 error.
  14. If I upload it will you look at the mod for me? I'm the only one that has it. I have no idea if somthing is wrong with it once it leaves my system.
  15. I use the Purple Palettes mostly to check for black-to-transparency errors. I need to find a place that I can use to up load a simple instaill I made of the mod....
  16. With Purple Palette I have remove 99% of the errors, the mod has gone beyond just graphics. I have most of the sounds from C&C95 (Unit selects and a sound effects, Unit firing sound, explosions .ext) TS EVA. (TS EVA game me more sounds to work from.) 20 scores from C&C95, CounterStrike and Aftermath have no scores replaced. Some of the C&C95 movies are found in the mod. All missions have been edited or replaced. Even the Ants missions. If you want I can try to attach the mod in a post.
  17. That install making is going to take some time. I've never seen any thing like this.... As for the “Project”. It is perhaps the holy grail of RA-1 modding. An RA-1 to c&c95 conversion. I Google-ed "stats_warheads_perc.txt so I could make sure it was you that made the texts I used as base to mod from. Google took me to http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/mods/ that is yours and I saw that you have at one point started a RA-1 to c&c95 conversion. You have a folder for it and screens of the main menu are shocking close to mine. Now I have to ask. Did you give up? I know you are putting lots of time into C&C95. Is this why I never knew any one else was trying to do the same as I am. I’m attaching some screens from my game.
  18. I've edited the RA95.dat.so it no longer looks for local.mix but now loca!.mix. Any files the mod needs I've replaced the last leter in the name of the file with a "!" and done the same in the RA95.dat. Well I can just hex edit your RA95.dats for Normal and TFD RA-1. It should take 5 minute each to change the needed text? Shash here* Done! I downloaded the ISO right after came come out and the looked same so I never burned them to a CD I just deleted them since they looked the same as the CDs I already had. Thanks for telling me there were the same. Already have ra95.dat to yourmodname.exe done and I just put icon in them. Have a normal and TFD or craked ra95.dat done. This leads to my next question, Counterstrike and Aftermath are not free so can I include my modded mission from them in TFD install or not? I not worked with an installer program a lot but I did find that you used Inno Setup and I downloaded it myself. I look at your scrip and I have no idea how you made it or how I could make something like it. I’m going to try to see if I can change your scrip to work as a installer. I don’t know if I’m reading it right…. EDIT Maybe I should ask if any would like to play this? I did mod the campaigns so that people can play campaign for Nod,GDI, Crounterstrike and Aftermath... Wonder if any would play it.
  19. I extracted the temperat.pal and snow.pal and renamed them tempera!.pal and sno!.pal. I put these renamed .pals back into the Loca!.mix but I did not remove temperat.pal and snow.pal I just added the two renamed copies. I did NOT start with your 3.03 installer. My dat came from the old manual_patch303_english.exe but I have downloaded your ra303installer.rar. Is the freewere RA Allied Disk and Soviet Disk the same as one ones I bought in the late 90s in the "Dominatin Pack"? It has Allied Disk CD1, Soviet Disk CD2, Counterstrike CD3 and Aftermath CD4 in one nice case. Next TFD... I have NO idea how TFD works. Do I just need to edit the RA95.dat found the cracked folder to get my mod to work for peope with TFD? I'm so far over my head now.... I'm going to need lots of help...
  20. Swiched temperat.pal to tempera!.pal and it now works! *WOOTS* Never did find a snow.pal but the game works fine with out changing it. Thinking of move down to mod Mod Announcements soon! Need to get my hands on a TFD RA95.dat so my mod will work with TFDers.... Thanks for the help Nyerguds!
  21. That I can live with I will try it and let you know if this fixed it.
  22. I seen was there last night and tried to edit it but the game crashes if I start any missons. I have 3.03 so I hit Aftermath missons and selet my difficulty than click OK only go hear the XP *Bonk*, The game sits a black screen and I have use CTRL-ALT-DELETE to end the game. :ranting: I did remember to change the TEMPERAT.mix and SNOW.MIX to TEMPERA!.mix and SNO!.mix. I have them in the folder with all the other .mix file. still no working... Error window as follows The Instruction at 005vcde0 referenced memory at 00000000 The Memory could not be read from Click on Ok to terminate the application
  23. I'm Looking for the snow.mix or temperat.mix in the RA95.dat but I can't find them. I not even sure there in there... I've found just about ever other .MIX and .INI to the game listed and did the needed edting so my mod won't interfere with the normal Red Alert. Any help would be nice.
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