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  1. I've installed the file on my computer, and when I start the game, everything goes black. I can't see anything.
  2. I can already tell my laptop model : it's HP G62 (here's a picture from the HP homepage). From my screen resolution, it was 800 x 600 pixels and I put the game under Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility. As for the DirectDraw acceleration, I don't know what it is.
  3. Nothing with this name in the game folder that's for sure ! Would this be the key to the solution ?
  4. Okay so I tried to change the .ini file to see if anything goes better when I launch the menu. Nothing happened, I still have this eerie gray bar in the middle of the menu. I've closed my post-it note to check if it was disturbing the game's resolution, it didn't. I have set the graphics on Low, Medium and High (thanks to your "DetailLevel" linecode), no sign of improvement. However I've noticed that when I press the Start button for Windows and when I go back to the game, the gray bar suddenly turns into the selectable menu I've been looking for. This would be good news if I could select anything on the menu, it looks like it is on a "standing still mode", I can't see if I pick up the GDI or the NOD campaign on whatever difficulty I want to, so I don't want to imagine what would it be if I'd like to play a Skirmish map. I've closed every program, except Mozilla Firefox and the ones necessary to run my computer, no influence on the game whatsoever.
  5. My graphics card is Intel HD Graphics.
  6. Hello, I'm here to speak about the same issue that happened to me tonight. I've downloaded the game and put it on my C:/ folder, set the compatibility to Windows XP SP2, but when I run the game, the menu is glitched and I can only see a gray bar in the middle. Also, when I take a screenshot, it looks normal, but I can't perform it. My computer is an HP laptop with an IntelCore i3 CPU and I use Windows Seven 64bit. All the drivers are up to date. I've tried to resize my own screen to 800x600 and run the game with it, nothing changes. Thanks a lot for your help !
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