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  1. There is no mission.ini for the standard missions. Just for the expansion packs I can find their respective mission.ini, but I can't find any other mission.ini's. That's why I was confused where the game gets the information from when the briefing isn't in the mission's INI-file.
  2. Hi I was wondering if it is possible to change the mission briefings for a mission? I've tried several things already. I found out there is a "Briefing" section in a mission file so I created one but it was just ignored by the game and it has just shown the original mission text. Then I looked up the original mission file inside the general.mix (I think it was that mix file) - I changed the Briefing section inside the original map file inside the MIX but it still just showed the original mission briefing. Since I could not find any other files inside any of the MIX-Files which contained any mission briefing information I was wondering where the game gets these informations from and if it was somehow possible to change the mission briefing texts? Thanks in advance zak
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