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  1. Anyone got Red Alert 2 online working via linux? I managed to install cncnet's RA2 launcher in both EA & Steam under linux. But both fail to load. I did notice it requires .NET 4.0 framework & XNA 4.0. UPDATE: I found the cncnet github/repo: https://github.com/orgs/CnCNet/repositories?type=all Looks like it's possible to build the linux binaries natively, so don't need to WINE the windows binaries...
  2. In Command & Conquer (or RA/TS), is it possible to "lock" the game speed? Back in the 1995s, we played C&C on 486s thus even on max. game speed, it was still really slow game speed. However this was good since it made the game more time-realistic (ie. tanks move slow, people walk/run slower). Normally old PC games in-game would run faster as PCs got faster & more powerful. So I like to lock the gamespeed at a slow/medium speed and I don't want friends to change the gamespeed. PS: where is the usual place for submitting feature/ideas/wishlist/request?
  3. What's the difference between cncnet & cnc-online?
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