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Everything posted by 7pilot

  1. 7pilot

    CnC and RA

    Well, these things happen when you are over 60 and too competetive. Downloaded the 126 x126 map Awesome yesterday and used that a few times, It was always a favourite of mine.
  2. 7pilot

    CnC and RA

    Hi guys, Not been here in ages but downloaded CnC and RA. Both work beautifully on Win 7 64 and 32 bit. Thankyou so much for the work you have put in. I don`t do online play as I get a blood pressure problem. Wife and I play it on our network. I retired to France 16 months ago and have a 4 machine network here. I know that is a bit OTT but one runs my telescope and another runs my slot circuit. We are really enjoying the game. Love the interface and it plays well. Had me and an AI starting at same spot which was fun. Thanks again.
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