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T2 - ForceOfEvil

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Everything posted by T2 - ForceOfEvil

  1. Somebody told me while chatting in the Red Alert lobby to look for HIFI. I used to play Red Alert on MPlayer years ago - and I liked that experience with chat rooms in the lobbies - with avatars - html, etcetera. I'm wondering what it might cost to have a similar experience in CNCNet. I'd be willing to foot at least some of the bill...
  2. Well, here's what I'm getting: Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x002210ff in 32-bit code (0x005b4450). Register dump: CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f EIP:005b4450 ESP:0033e920 EBP:0033e970 EFLAGS:00010286( R- -- I S - -P- ) EAX:000020e2 EBX:00609bc8 ECX:00000007 EDX:00000e10 ESI:01b2c230 EDI:002210ff Stack dump: 0x0033e920: 00000020 000000e1 006807a4 00000000 0x0033e930: 001d74e0 00000020 00000190 00000280 0x0033e940: 0033e9fe 00000012 00680610 000000e3 0x0033e950: 001fa78c 00000270 00000280 001fa760 0x0033e960: 01b2c8cc 01b2ad31 01b2ab7b 01b2ab75 0x0033e970: 0033e9d0 004ae7c6 006807a4 0067fa04 0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw- Backtrace: =>0 0x005b4450 in ra95 (+0x1b4450) (0x0033e970) 1 0x004ae7c6 in ra95 (+0xae7c5) (0x0033e9d0) 2 0x0056d8d7 in ra95 (+0x16d8d6) (0x0033e9ec) 3 0x004c3f20 in ra95 (+0xc3f1f) (0x0033ea00) 4 0x005061bf in ra95 (+0x1061be) (0x0033ea20) 5 0x00507e2b in ra95 (+0x107e2a) (0x0033f604) 6 0x00506887 in ra95 (+0x106886) (0x0033f620) 7 0x004f4ef9 in ra95 (+0xf4ef8) (0x0033f698) 8 0x004a5389 in ra95 (+0xa5388) (0x0033f6c8) 9 0x00552111 in ra95 (+0x152110) (0x0033fd60) 10 0x005de63d in ra95 (+0x1de63c) (0x0033fe64) 11 0x0033ff00 in <wine-loader> (+0x33feff) (0x0033fe88) 12 0x7b8577a0 in kernel32 (+0x4779f) (0x0033fee8) 13 0x7bc7469c in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc7469b) (0x0033ff08) 14 0x7bc746e2 in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc746e1) (0x0033ff98) 15 0x7bc74662 in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc74661) (0x0033ffb8) 16 0x7bc47ed2 in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc47ed1) (0x0033ffe8) 0x005b4450: movb %al,%es:0x0(%edi) Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (30 modules) ELF 0-82001000 Stabs <wine-loader> PE 400000- 726000 Deferred ra95 PE 10000000-10008000 Deferred mpgdll PE 401b0000-401b4000 Deferred version PE 401d0000-401d9000 Deferred msacm32 PE 40490000-40494000 Deferred advapi32 PE 40710000-40716000 Deferred gdi32 PE 429b0000-42b07000 Deferred shell32 PE 42c10000-42c18000 Deferred shlwapi PE 42ca0000-42cda000 Deferred user32 PE 42e10000-42e3e000 Deferred comctl32 PE 42f50000-42f58000 Deferred ole32 PE 430c0000-430c4000 Deferred rpcrt4 PE 43150000-431c1000 Deferred winmm PE 43210000-43214000 Deferred msvcrt PE 432c0000-432c4000 Deferred opengl32 PE 43540000-43544000 Deferred dsound PE 435a0000-435a4000 Deferred ws2_32 PE 435d0000-435d4000 Deferred wsock32 PE 435f0000-435f4000 Deferred iphlpapi PE 436a0000-436a4000 Deferred winex11 PE 43770000-43774000 Deferred imm32 PE 437d0000-437d4000 Deferred uxtheme PE 44a30000-44a34000 Deferred mmdevapi PE 44af0000-44af8000 Deferred oleaut32 PE 44c40000-44c43000 Deferred winecoreaudio PE 44df0000-44df4000 Deferred ddraw PE 44e90000-44e94000 Deferred wined3d PE 7b810000-7b867000 Deferred kernel32 PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 0000000e services.exe 00000020 0 0000001f 0 00000015 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000012 winedevice.exe 0000001d 0 0000001a 0 00000014 0 00000013 0 0000001b plugplay.exe 00000021 0 0000001e 0 0000001c 0 00000022 explorer.exe 00000023 0 00000028 (D) C:\redalert\RA95.EXE 0000002c 0 0000002b 0 0000002a 15 00000029 0 <== System information: Wine build: wine-1.4 Platform: i386 Host system: Darwin Host version: 11.4.0 Any ideas? I have plenty of memory on my MacBook Pro. For whatever reason, this Windows-like partition won't recognize it...
  3. Thank you for the reply. That used to work on my PC but I'm playing through PlayOnMac and CTRL-1 brings me to a function outside the game. I supposed I should be wondering if maybe there's a way to establish what the keys do through PlayOnMac...
  4. I find it difficult to play without the ability to place 10 or 20 tanks, for example, into a team (such as team 1) where I can select "1" and grab all 10 or 20 tanks. Is there any way to do this? Am I overlooking something?
  5. Juuuuust letting my fellow clans people know I'm here... Where are the rest of you?
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