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  1. Is there a specific place that I need to be placing CnCNet within the RA2 folder? When CnCNet first initiates should the data read -server.cncnet.org- / -9001- / -ra2.exe- / -LAN- / in the 4 boxes provided? Please help me with this issue, Im not great when it comes to computing, only know the basics.
  2. Followed your link and looked at the current stats in the top right of the screen and it said 5 players were online, and when I loaded up the RA2 client via CnCNet within the RA2 folder there was nobody online and just me in the Network Lobby. Any more suggestions? Much appreciated. Dan *Furthermore, I kept the client open with me supposedly online, and refreshed the Page you linked me and didnt see the Online numbers change for RA2 but did see them change for RA1, therefore, shouldnt I be able to at least see the other Games in the lobby, even if they are full, just like you can with RA1.
  3. Hiya, So I downloaded a cracked .exe version of Red Alert 2 v.1001, no Yuri's expansion, however, I dont believe I can connect to CnCNet. I placed CnCNet in the RA2 folder that I created when I unzipped the file, and opened CnCNet from within the Folder via the preset 9001 port, with no Command Line and to the RA2.exe shortcut in the menu-drop down and upon loading up, instead of taking me to the Network menu it guides me to the Main Menu, and when I click on 'Network' I cannot see any current games being played or any players even though the Website showed that there was 6 online at the time. Any ideas? Would be much appreciated if anyone computer savvy could lend a hand. Cheers Dan
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