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  1. Thanks! Every unit was started life out as an existing CNC/RA unit which I then modified heavily. For example, to make the Titan mech I used the front end of the transport supply plane from C&C and then added all the features frame by frame in Paintshop Pro. I think the Mammoth Mk 2 was the Tesla tank with the cockpit of the longbow stuck at the front, and the Orca Bombers used the chassis of the MAD Tank. It was a lot of frame by frame editing, but as a teenager who was on an extended summer break thanks to it being an exam year for me I had plenty of time to work on it. The buildings were all original though, because I did not have to do multiple angles of them it meant I did not have to make them look the same as they rotated, which is what stopped me from making totally unique units.
  2. I had tried Googling for the mod the past couple of years but only broken links came back - but then I was searching for "RA2TS" and it's listed there as RA to Tiberian Sun - glad to see it wasn't completely gone from the Internet. Looking through that list brings back some memories - I remember Aftermath Wars, Desert Storm, Future Wars and MaximaRA all being developed. Thanks, feel free to do what you need to - what needs to be done to make it compatible with cncnet?
  3. Version 3.03 of what? Red Alert? People played it online back in 1999 as I beta tested it against humans (the Red Alert AI would not use the hover units and was not used to playing with the new tactics the game required making it very easy to beat even on hard in Skirmish) so people used to be able to play it over Westwood Online. Obviously,. I have not updated it since then so if there are new requirements to get it to work online then these won't have been made. This are just the mix and ini files I released back in 1999. I took some screenshots from a quick skirmish mode if anyone is interested: Title Screen Base with GDI guard towers and, GDI barracks and Tiberium Refinery Same base, with Weapons Factory, Wolverine and Titan Mechs Orca Carry All, Mammoth Mk 2 Mech and Hover MRLSs Jumpjet Infantry Helipad and Tiberium Harvester unloading Disrupter Tanks firing weapon Orca Bombers
  4. Hello. Many years ago (14 to be precise) I made a conversion of Red Alert called "RA2TS" while the C&C was anticipating the constantly delayed Tiberian Sun. The mod, with the clue being in the name (Red Alert to Tiberian Sun) was an attempt to try and convert Red Alert into the best approximation of Tiberian Sun based on what was known of Tiberian Sun within the limitations of the Red Alert game engine. At the time, it was a very popular mod (although this was probably more down to the fact everyone was hungry for Tiberian Sun and Westwood kept delaying its release) but obviously, in the 14 years since all the websites hosting it have closed down and newer and fancier RTS games have stolen the spotlight. However, I recently found the files when cleaning up the hard drive on my computer and decided to load it up for nostalgia's sake but obviously now having a 64 bit Windows 8 machine meant my original RA discs wouldn't even load up. I briefly set up a Windows 98 virtual machine, however through the wonders of Google found the new releases of Red Alert made by the community to run natively on modern machines and through those discovered that there is still an RA modding community. So, if anyone is interested, I've rehosted my original conversion on my own webserver at the following url: http://randomperspective.com/ra2ts/ I will point out that I'm not the greatest artist, and this was made 14 years ago when the graphics software available to me was even more primitive, so the graphics I made are not the best. But my 16 year old self invested a lot of time and had a lot of fun making and playing it and hopefully you might too. I don't know if anyone is still around from 1999 and remembers the mod, obviously, it's been a long time. -Ben
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