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Everything posted by TQdragon

  1. Did anyone play Tiberium Alliances? The game was decent, the only issue I had with the game is that it was Pay 2 Win. So what do you guys think the next C&C game will be?
  2. TQdragon

    Little help

    Did you download the game from this website? Try to uninstall and install it again maybe it works.
  3. TQdragon

    Little help

    This is how I got my game to work on windows 8 (hopefully it will work for you): 1) Download this and extract the files to your Tiberian Sun folder http://www.commandandconquer.com/forums/index.php/topic/26975-running-tiberian-sun-on-windows-8/ 2) Press right click on the game or any shortcut, press properties and then go to compatibility (at the top). 3) Check run as administrator and try the game. 4) If the game doesn't work or crashes (which is most likely to happen) run the program in compatibility mode for windows XP service pack 3 (in properties and compatibility as well). 5) Run the game again if it still doesn't work (which I doubt) press reduced colour mode and change it to 16-bit (in properties and compatibility as well). I really hope the game works for you, good luck .
  4. I'm not hating or anything but I also believe that fans' attitudes should slightly change towards EA, many fans get really mad if change occurs and if change doesn't they complain about the lack of innovation. I still think that justice will one day be served to all true C&C fans but they all have to accept the fact that Westwood is long gone and isn't coming back, and that change isn't always a bad thing.
  5. Good points everyone, but Liam the C&C Tiberium universe still has to tell more of what happened (C&C4's ending and storyline was terrible). EA still has a lot to explain especially after that ending. But creating a new universe or having the mutants and maybe the scrin have a bigger part would be fantastic. Tiberian Sun offered alot of potential for the mutants which wasn't developed as much as I hoped it would in the later games.
  6. Zhall has a point though, if the game's audience isn't growing people might eventually stop playing and the communinity would grow smaller. Ads on youtube might be usefull but probably costy so I'm not sure how we can organize this but as Tore said we should promote CNCNet by attracting our friends to the serever.
  7. Hey, Tore how do I enable "No CD"? Thank you, I really appreciate your hard work in reviving some childhood memories!
  8. I just like to hold on to any hope whether big or small, I really hope EA can finally fix what they have wronged to the series.
  9. As most of us know recent C&Cs were awful and made us question if C&C has a future with EA. The Free to play game Command and Conquer that was going to be released in 2013 was canceled. I mean I don't think that people will still play classics a lot in 10 years or so. So do you think this franchise still has potential to go big again?
  10. Not sure but there is one called "Hextreme!" that has close resemblance to the one that you talking about... hope this helped
  11. I think I know this map, will do more searching and then will send u the name (if i find it) :-)
  12. Hey guys ! Is anybody interested in forming a TS online event? Please reply if you are and then we coordinate the timings . Thank you
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