This was just a little idea I had to create a map with some RA1 changes I think are needed
- Tanks are NOT changed, I think Q'ing takes skill and shouldn't be changed
- Some units have changed sides
- the 500/unit type cap is REMOVED
[glow=red,2,300]Patch Notes:[/glow]
- Ore growth per minute changed to 0.8 from 2 [its faster]
; Ore regenerated WAY TOO SLOW
- Wheel movement (MGG, Ranger, MCV, Demotruck) increased +10% on all terrain types
; Basically rangers were slower than tnaks yet were a scout unit which didnt make much sense
[glow=red,2,300]Both factions[/glow]
Service Depot
- Service depot repair rate doubled
- Service depot repair cost reduced to 1% (basically free)
Ore Refinery
- Cost increased to 2500 from 2000
; This change allows more option to use infantry tactics before tanks
; Later in the game, it incentivises players to build ore trucks while halting tank production to increase economy
instead of spamming refineries
Rocket Solider
- Movespeed increased to 4 from 3
- Health points increased to 75 from 45
- Attack range increased to 5.5 from 5
- Projectile speed increased to 35 from 25
; Makes them less prone to being crushed, and fragile to area attacks
; They can deal with vehicles much better and makes them more viable when mixed with your tank army
Missile Silo
- Health increased to 1000 from 400
- Nuke deals 50% more damage
; Makes them less vulnerable, and nukes should be strong to kill more than just powerplants
- Speed reduced to 6 from 8
; Makes up for wheel changes
- Cost reduced to 1600 from 2400
; - They are weaker than nukes, and should cost less in that regard
- no longer has sand below it
; It's easier to wall/or protect it with other buildings
Airfield is double sided
- Paratroops drop 8 infantry instead of 5
Spy is double sided (soviets get different effects in certain cases)
- Costs 400
- No longer requires tech center
- Speed changed to 4 from 3
; If you properly escort Thieves, you can cheese over enemy economy and gain an early advantage
- Cost reduced to 250 from 800
- Heal range increased to 3 from 1.83
; Makes them easier to heal and can be used in infantry rushes much better
- Cost reduced to 500 from 950
- Repair range increased to 3 from 1.83
; They can better heal tanks in battle from further away
- Cost reduced to 500
- Damage increased to 20 from 15 & fires 2 shots at once
; They are less bad and can protentially harass power plants and ore trucks
APC replaced by Phase Transport
Phase Transport
- Cost increased to 900
- Fires rocket soldier weapon
- has 5 passenger seats
- retains stealth (which can be detected by defenses, APC's and rangers)
- Moves at same speed as medium tank
- Health increased to 125 from 75
- Range increased to 9.5 from 6
- Projectile speed doubled
- No longer inaccurate at long range
- Note: Since cruiser uses same weapon, Artillery weapon is different so cruiser is still inaccurate
Radar Jammer
- still suck, give ideas
Mobile Gap Gen.
- still suck
- fires 33% faster
- deals 50% more damage
; they took too long too deal their damage, and are more threatening to undefended bases
Yak moved from Soviet to Allies
- cost increased to 1100
- fires 10 missles really fast (400 damage total)
- deals fire damage
; two of these can kill power plants
; three can kill all wood armored buildings
; Although they seem overpowered, it requires 1700$ to build 1 Yak, so spending 3400$ to kill adv powerplants
should make sense and spending 5100$ makes sense to kill all wood buildings
; Scout bases and building SOME AA!
Pillbox & Camo
- Damage increase by 50%
; They are better compared to flametower, and building them around important buildings can stop Q dancing better
Grenadier moved from Soviet to Allies
Chrono Tank
- cost reduced to 2000 from 2400
; they're a little easier to afford
Chrono Sphere
- Cost reduced to 2000
- Vortex chance Removed
- no longer kills cargo
- health increased to 1000
; Allows for interesting transport tactics and reason I removed vortex is pretty obvious
AA Gun
- health increased to 600 from 400
- selection name changed to ZSU-23
Flame Thrower
- can be built from the start
- health increased from 40 to 75
- movespeed changed from 3 to 4
Shock Trooper
- requires radar dome
- costs 600 from 900$
; They cost effectively own tanks, but have poor range and mobility so kiting is an option, or use Artillery/V2's
Attack Dog
- Health increased to 50
- Movespeed increased to 5 from 4
- sight range increased to 6 from 3
; They are like Red Alert 2 dogs, and useful for scouting
Mammoth Tank
- Cannon attack damage doubled
- Speed increased to 5 from 4
; probably doesn't remedy their problem's but they now aren't trash
Iron Curation
- Cost Reduced to 1500
- Health increased to 1000
- Effect duration doubled
; Iron curtain sucks and probably always will
; With mammoth tank damage doubled, you can iron curtain one and OMG! its a threat
SAM site
- health increased to 600 from 400
- deals a total of 320 damage
- cost reduced to 1100
; 2 hit kills any defense building, 1 hit kills light tanks
- Fires 6 fireballs for 70 damage each (420 damage total)
; Basically a nice damage improvement for harassing