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  1. Specifically the "pros" in this game. As if the word professional should be used within gaming. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arrogant This community will never grow. Simply because every person who 'matters' in it shuns anyone who they determine 'not pro'. It doesn't matter what your potential is, and it doesn't matter how good you are. If your name isn't recognized, you're banned and laughed at. Even when you do well against the 'junior pros', they just call you a noob because they're upset that you beat them/did well against them, ban you on sight, and tell everyone how much of a noob you are. As excited as I was that such an old classic game as this still has a thriving community and support from talented developers, I am EXTREMELY disappointed in the attitude that is dominant on CnC Net.
  2. I was in a match, and it was going just fine. When I left however, I realized I couldn't connect to cncnet. I get this error: [08:51] * Connect: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond <my IP> Any idea what's going on? Also I did read the thread below mine that was about the same error, but none of those explanations really help me any. I've been playing online for a while now without much trouble until this.
  3. Oh okay. So each map has it's own rules built in to the mpr. Thanks for the help, I'll try it out.
  4. I've been messing with this for hours, and I just can't figure it out. All I can manage to do is get my terrain playable on CnC Net. I'm using the 'scenarioeditor.exe' and I'm basically just trying to do some basic editing, like crate spawn times/crate bonuses etc, but the rules are never attached to the map when I load it on CnC Net. I tried creating a mix file, putting the mpr and my edited rules.ini inside it but that didn't work. I would really appreciate some help with this. It's very frustrating now after all this time working with it. :[
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