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  1. Works like a charm. Thanks a heap!
  2. Hi all, I Recently downloaded Red Alert 1 on Origin after buying The First Decade a few months back when it was on Sale. I am having an issue with getting a Black Screen when i run the game. I Only get sound and no display at all. I had the same issue with C&C95 but fixed it with a patch. I tried the same with this but it changed nothing after installing the 3.03 patch. Tried a number of other things like changing my video resolution and refresh rate, as well as the ddraw.dll which was supposed to fix this but it did nothing. I Can't even run the RASetup because i get the same issue, just a plain black screen. Running Windows 7 64 Bit with 2 Nvidia 550 TTI's and an Intel I5 2500 and 8gb 1600MHZ Ram. Stupidly EA Support suggested i updated my graphic drivers, cos ya know, Its outdated by 2 months and the game is only 20 years old /sarcasm. Hopefully somebody can help me because I'd like to be able to play it again after all these years. Thanks, Flu.
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