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Everything posted by Litrium

  1. I downloaded the game with Beta8r3, and I do not have that executable file, I am using the provided launcher.
  2. I am running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP [service Pack 3] I am using 64x Windows 8.0 Whenever I load a saved mission, all of the icons in the build queue bars are completely gone and I can not click on any of them, however if I deploy another Construction Yard, I get all those icons for buildings back and I get the unit tabs if I build a unit structure.
  3. I am running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP [service Pack 3] I am using 64x Windows 8.0 If I try to load a saved custom map (one made with the map creator), or one that I generated using the in-game ability. Upon hitting Preview or Load: the game pulls up the normal [Please Wait: Loading] bar, but once it gets to about half, the game simply closes out, and a few minutes later I get an error message saying the main executable for the game has stopped running unexpectedly.
  4. Aw, That bums me out... I sorta only play the campaign to watch the progression of the story, and to catch glimpses of the almighty leader Kane. I think it would be very interesting to see where it goes since Kane pretty much took over and put you in-charge. But, alas, that would be too epic.
  5. So Aftermath and Counterstrike never had videos, or never had videos for pc? I know counterstrike had videos, I have been going through youtube and bingvideos trying to find them as I play through the allied portions, I have found a few, but it is tedious work.
  6. I recently download... Everything, or So I though, for Red Alert, but it appears the videos for the two expansions have escaped me, does anyone know a link that has the videos for download?
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