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Everything posted by madmanquail

  1. Yes! That would be part of the challenge! Actually if you surround a flametank correctly, it will get stuck constantly re-acquiring the target without firing. You could also lead flame tanks to their deaths by running them through a choke point. It wouldn't be easy! Ah- but you begin the mission with 6 grenadiers! In general, the Brutal-Marine-only-NUR principle is to use what 'ya got given, the restriction is only placed on unit production. E.g. If you get given a commando, you can keep it for the rest of the level.
  2. Cool, great info thanks! So, are the other game speeds based on interpolating between "real time" and the max speed setting? e.g., Is speed 5/7 the same for all systems, regardless of CPU? Those videos are exactly what I am looking for. The deceit game by Christo is brilliant, i love it. It game me a few other ideas: Lossless/minimum losses playthrough Lossless speedrun (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw0ifH0AJOI) Infantry only run Minigunner only (perhaps analogous to Brutal No-Upgrade runs in Starcraft 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs47ee8xzU4)) Marathon "no-save" speedrun
  3. thanks for the great response - some very interesting videos there, Nyerguds, i'll definitely be checking them out. Really? I find this a bit unsatisfactory...To my mind, the challenge of a speedrun is to play fast and accurate, not just accurate. However, the flip side of this is that one might aim to complete the game on MAX speed, which is nearly impossible to control accurately. There is an agreeable speed somewhere in the middle which is fast enough to be thrilling to play/watch, and challenging, yet slow enough for the user to have a reasonable degree of control. I believe this to be speed 5/7, although others might disagree. I suppose there is no precedent for C&C speed runs being played at a "reasonable pace", and timed in real time?
  4. I got the itch to play C&C last week and replay the old beloved campaigns and particularly the covert operations. As a challenge, I decided to try and complete the missions in the minimum possible time (aka speed running). I looked for some examples of C&C speed runs to follow and found a guy who has recorded the original campaign kbut not covert operations or funpark). Link to that stream: http://www.twitch.tv/leonpowpow However, this run is pretty sloppy and could certainly use some improvement (as he knows!). This game is old enough and popular enough to have a solid, tight speed run... Right? I couldn't find much out there. As an aside, it's a great way to play... I am having a lot of fun with it, finding safe strats and dealing with the RNG all over the place! I might even record a few missions if it would be of interest.
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