So I've recently gone back to play all the C&C games and have reinstalled ever game in the series bar the last one on my Windows 7, 64bit OS.
My thanks to the various people who have done the installers for the earlier games to work on the newer systems.
Having played the PS version of RAR, I was glad to see a mod that added the exclusive movies into the PC version. Problem is after installing the mod under two different setups I can't get it to work. When I run the lost files exe all it said is "please run this in the red alert directory", which of course I have already placed it in, I've tried both exe with no luck.
I tried this with both a download mirrored from the installer and using my disc copies from the worldwide warfare pack, Red Alert runs fine but the mod for the LF refuses to work. The FunkyFr3sh installer itself includes the game patch to 3.03 and I tried over writing the game with the standard 3.03 patch which added "ra95.lcf" in case it being missing from the default install was the problem but still no luck, that said their is no file name"_ra95.lcf" in any install I used. I did wonder if it was a directory issue which the la.exe needed and I installed the game to c:\Westwood\REDALERT which I think is the original path but still no luck.
Anyone have any idea of the problem?