I log on after work and i was greeted this way by Pleb. I didn't understand why until he told me someone was on my name talking trash to Pleb and other people. The person who it is has been recently signing on as Oracioniels after i finally got him to stop logging on ORA-niels name. He still insists that his name is Oracio Niels. Which is obvious bullshit if you have a brain. He also logged on ORA-red_wk's name in the past. And he's logged on my name in the past and he did it again today. I have asked admins to ban him for not following their own rules about pretending to be other people. I am tired of the random messages from people and i am tired of this guy pretending to be me, niels, red and so on. So please take care of this problem that has been going on for far too long. Thank you- ORA-boy