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  1. ORA-rock the former leader of ORA is banned from cncnet. I know for a fact he has done nothing wrong. If anything maybe i said something when i was logged on as Bomber on his PC which is highly possible. ORA-rock would like to come out of retirement and play the game again and when he downloaded cncnet and tried logging on he was banned from the server and to this day still is. It seems to be a permanent ban which is insane.
  2. This is ORA-boy. My father ORA-rock is banned from logging on. I know for a fact he has done nothing to become banned. It might have been myself when i was on my old name Bomber who said something to get banned Im not sure of it but its possible. But i know he did nothing to get banned. Please reverse this he has been wanting to come out of retirement and play again.
  3. I log on after work and i was greeted this way by Pleb. I didn't understand why until he told me someone was on my name talking trash to Pleb and other people. The person who it is has been recently signing on as Oracioniels after i finally got him to stop logging on ORA-niels name. He still insists that his name is Oracio Niels. Which is obvious bullshit if you have a brain. He also logged on ORA-red_wk's name in the past. And he's logged on my name in the past and he did it again today. I have asked admins to ban him for not following their own rules about pretending to be other people. I am tired of the random messages from people and i am tired of this guy pretending to be me, niels, red and so on. So please take care of this problem that has been going on for far too long. Thank you- ORA-boy
  4. Hi.. This is ORA-boy. For the last few days at least to my knowledge there has been a person using fake ORA names.. First it was ORA-niels being faked, Then ORA-red_wk being faked And now myself ORA-boy being faked.. If your policy of banning people for pretending to be a person and using their name is true i would like you to please ban this guy. Thank you.
  5. Hey guys its ORA-boy. The game is alive and well I would love for alot of you older players to come back go to www.redalert1.com and download the game it os Free! My dad ORA-rock still plays and the ORA clan is huge like always. Download it and lets play like the old day.
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