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  1. It would be super cool if such a feature was added. If not, then that's alright.
  2. The client will not allow me to alter CnCNet_Server in RA2MD.ini It will keep changing it back to the defaults. How do i set it up to use a different irc server as i have been able to do with the other cnc games?
  3. Oh thanks~! Good to see an updated installer. Thanks for your time :3
  4. RIGHT right right, executable is that. Interesting o3o Though also unfortunate as it probably means the community has to have some decent devs behind it to ever make a matchmaking client of similar power to cncnet. And now that i think about it, Populous Reincarnated also issues a collective patch for the game that's needed before the matchmaker can play the game. They must do the same thing, Ah i was hoping it would be easier than that, but of course it isn't x3 Then i have another question. I know that the TS Full Installer is considered outdated. How well does it work when cncnet is installed to it? does it have any outstanding issues?
  5. mplayer? o3o Hm i see. Though I thought cncnet didn't modify any pre-existing files? Does it use ones it is packaged with instead of ones the game usually uses? (when using a pre-installed version of the game. Or does that no longer work?)
  6. Hello. I have seen both Populous Reincarnated and Cncnet5, and am quite interested in how they do some of the things they do. There are many other games out there, whose community could gain a lot from having a similar client be made, and maybe one day that'll be a possibility. I am mostly curious on how the client launches the game, and how it emulates the game's lobby. I know that the game is probably launch with target parameters, as many a game has one for both hosting and joining games, or they edit a config entry that would allow the online play. But then i get confused on how the lobby is simulated, and how that information is carried to the game. It'd be cool to know how this stuff works. I'm not looking to see any code or anything, but a rough explanation of what it does to achieve launching the game with lobby settings. Also will random map generation be something that's also simulated in the lobby later? i noticed i can generate maps in Tiberian Sun to play, so i was curious when i could not in the cncnet lobby :3 Any answers are welcome~
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