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About Devole

  • Birthday 01/12/1996

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. V3's and crazy Ivan's are used quite often in top tier games and on certain maps. I can't disagree with Hardman. So far, every game I've won has been me: 1) get spy into lab 2) Chrono Ivans 3) ???? 4) Profit
  2. Devole

    Bug tracker

    Hey Grant, I think this may not be a bug but perhaps a perception difference. The view that we see when playing the game isn't exactly bird's eye view, but more on an angle, So what appears to be in the range, may be actually out. This would only affect things that are suspended above the ground. If we were to look at the same image from directly above the rocketeers, we would see their EXACT position. For example: What we see vs what actually is:
  3. Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge is not freeware. You must own the game (and have it installed) to use cncnet. What you're downloading from here is NOT the game, but a client for the game.
  4. There is one way to change it and that's to change the settings in your directory folder. 1) Find your directory fold "....\Westwood\RA2". 2a) If you're planning to play Red Alert 2, open "ra2.ini" -> Scroll down to 'Video' and change the screenwidth/height to your desired resolution. 2b) If you're planning to play Yuri's Revenge, open "RA2MD.ini" -> Scroll down to 'Video' and change the screenwidth/height to your desired resolution. 3) Play the game. Your Menu screen will remain in 800x600, but your in-game screen will be the resolution you had set. P.S. Keep in mind that your configuration will change the performance of the game (for better or for worse, but nothing that you can't change back easily) Hope this helps!
  5. I believe there was a legal way of playing the multiplayer for free mentioned in another thread. Someone mentioned that you download the multiplayer stripped version of the game from xwis, then you're able to download the cnc5 client and it should work (For multiplayer only). As for the missions.... You'll need to buy the game. Edit: Ignore that, I just remembered you still need a working serial number.
  6. Is this to fix the "Video mode" problem or the lagging problem? I already fixed the video mode issue.
  7. Just a question, which part of the beta did you want tested more? (Whether or not players receive lag when playing with other peers?, Whether or not the client launches the game properly?, Other things?), and do you receive the game logs automatically or do testers need to mention it somewhere in the forums? P.S. First two examples were experienced issues.
  8. The Win 7 compatibility didn't work, but setting it to win 98/me seemed to work. I'm not actually sure what I did to fix this problem, considering they were previously already set to win 98/me before I changed them.. But it works now. Now to just sort this lag problem. Thanks anyway MajorK
  9. Hey all, Whenever I try to create a Yuri's Revenge game it begins to start up then comes up with an error message saying "Error: Unable to set the video mode". I found a forum that had the same problem for Red Alert 1, but the solution didn't seem to work. I've tried changing the resolution in the ra2.ini file to my current resolution, although that didn't work. I've checked to ensure that the line in the Settings.ini is "Video.Windowed=false" which it is. I'm not sure what else it would be, any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Devole.
  10. Now that you mention it, the Medium AI I versed doing a 2v1 seemed to have similar behavior. From what I recall, they only sent 4 tank destroyers and a spy for the entire game. I'll test this again and see if I can repeat the results.
  11. I have both. Both old and new discs (Lost my old cds for a period of time and found them few years later after I bought the "Command & Conquer Collected" set. Still to this day, the best purchase I have ever done.
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