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  1. Well I think I figured it out, I turned off my computer's text scaling, and logged out and back in, and the game seemed to work fine. It seems like I'll just have to do that when I want to run the game.
  2. I couldn't find ddwrapper in the list to choose from. I swear this was working before I upgraded to windows 10. I also just tried launching the game from Origin, the game ran fine at 1366x768.
  3. 1024 * 768 does not have a gui either, it seems like 640 and 800 * 600 have GUI. Default gives an error 'Unable to set video mode' Hmm, delete RA2MD.ini in your game directory and try again (with Default set). See if unable to set video mode still errors. If all fails, make sure your video card drivers are up to date. I just tried doing both, default still doesn't work.
  4. 1024 * 768 does not have a gui either, it seems like 640 and 800 * 600 have GUI. Default gives an error 'Unable to set video mode'
  5. I have done both, I think the issue was with resolution. I was using 2560 x 1440, when I changed to 640 * 480, the GUI was there.
  6. Hello, When I start Yuris Revenge, the game loads fine, and starts the game, but I have no map/build menu. When I press escape, it takes me to the pause screen, but there are no buttons to press. I'm not sure what could be causing this issue.
  7. That did the trick! Now the game is playable thank you so much
  8. Is there a way to change the resolution for YR? Mine seems to be stuck at 800x600. The settings menu for YR have empty selection lists for things like the resolution, but RA2 has all of the setting options there.
  9. So does this also mean that Red Alert 2 is not freeware and won't be available for download? I'm just curious for the sake of my friends that don't own it.
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