Hi Everyone,
I'm having the same or similar problem. When I try to play a game online with anyone else, it loads me all the way into the game interface. The game freezes immediately, and I get the screen that says everyone else has lost connection (even though I know it's actually me that lost the connection). No specific indication of error.
A likely reason for my issue is that I'm running Windows 7 through Boot Camp on a Mac laptop. Though the game runs fine by itself, and I've been able to play online through XWIS in the past.
Here's what I've done so far:
- Tested it with only AI opponents (works fine)
- Tested it on different internet connections (has no effect)
- Installed the fixed launchers (didn't help)
- Uploaded my cncnetclient log info (http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3545.15)
Anyone have any suggestions for me to try?