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  1. Its enabled, but it still occasionally happens
  2. To take your last comment first what I meant by raging was something like "You faggot you dont know what your talking about nernerner" except with worse grammar. Sorry but I dont really know what the community is like around here. But I didnt realize that it is pretty much impossible to implement in the game engine. well now I know. Thanks for telling me.
  3. Also, has anyone played any part of the single player campaign? At all? I'm running into bugs left right and center. In the inbetween mission screen between missions 4 and 5 of the GDI campaign the game first froze then crashed. then about 5 minutes into the 5th mission the game just closed on me. No error message, just woop the game closed. And to forstall your next question I downloaded it about 6 hours ago.
  4. The download page off of this site
  5. yofaceismyface


    I appear to have run into a bug that occurs when you alt-tab out of the game. What happens is that at first the the cursor doesnt move around in the menu that you get when pausing the game (Im running the single player version btw). After a bit the game just locks up entirely and forces me to use ctrl-alt-delete to close it. Basically dont alt-tab out of the game.
  6. Could you say what you are referring to?
  7. In response to one of your points, bugs happen i get that. the only way to get them fixed is to point them out. Thus: Here I am One edit on my first post that you may have not seen is that a lot of things that aren't in the game aren't there because it was impossible at the time, including running on windows 8 (the system I am using). If the game can be changed to run on modern machines, why not change it to use modern ideas? I mean the logical conclusion to "It wasn't done in the original so it shouldn't be done now" is to conclude that the reason why this site exists (updated versions of the westwood RTS games) is a bad one. After all if change is bad then updating the games (changing them) is bad as well so you might as well delete them off the internet.
  8. What I mean is being able to scroll through the build menu, and I just tried it. It doesn't work. Also I just booted up TD (windows 95 version) on an old machine and scrolling does work. So therefor you are wrong. I can provide a screenshot of my version TD95 if needed EDIT: If it is on my side, my mistake. but I dont see how it could be. This is a whatever so Im willing to drop it.
  9. 7. Why not an auto save system that saves at the beginning of each mission and before the end of each mission (30 seconds maybe) or when a player completes a mission the game creates save files for all alternets of the the mission. 8a) When you order multiple units into a unit with an inventory only the first goes in but not the others. b) the only way to get a unit out of an APC appears to be by destroying it. EDIT: This is only an issue when the APC is spawned at the beginning of the mission.
  10. 3. Also when you hold down the right mouse button you cannot fast scroll. Why Not? 4. You cannot change where the build menu is by using the scroll wheel. Why Not? 5. Why not put a small queuing system into the game. For example in later games (Tiberian Sun and later) there is the ability to queue up units. Why not put this in? It doesn't change things and (in my opinion at least) improves things. Even if you don't want to include unlimited queuing (like in RA3 for example) you could emulate Tiberian Sun and only allow a player to queue up to 5 units at a time. 6. Why not a waypoint system? (this can be argued either way, I don't know if it would make the game better or not. It all depends on how they want the game to feel)
  11. EDIT: I will only respond to people responding with useful comments. If you are just raging I will ignore you and report you to the moderators. This is intended as a suggestion thread. If the only reason why something isnt being done is because it wasnt in the original game I will point out that the game wasnt designed to run on windows 7, 8 whatever and will point out that the game has already been changed so its better. One more change to make it better will not make a difference (and if anyone can pull one of the guys from westwood here Im pretty sure they would agre with me. The point is that the game has already been changed and alot of things that were not done in the original game wern't done because it was impossible. It isn't anymore and if it isnt and it improves the game it should be done. 1. When you set up control groups (Ctrl+1 etc) why not have numbers showing what unit is belongs to which group. (ie a unit in group 1 would show a 1, a unit in 2 would show 2 etc.) 2a) When you have one or more units selected and you hold shift and use the drag box to select other units it doesnt work. Why not? 2b) The same as Part A but when you have a control group that you wish to add to you can't use the drag box to add to it. Why Not?
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