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Everything posted by TomBaker

  1. Might be because he made the music for all C&C games made by Westwood? Ah that might be why then hahaha xD
  2. Hi guys, I'm hoping to start learning how i can do some mods for tiberian sun (not cheating online im not an asshole) but just fun ones i can mess around with. I'm probably going to be downloading lots of tools, so can you recommend a good anti-virus that i can use and has worked for yourself? Thanks Guys
  3. We have a winner! Haha yeah I just had a listen to his music, sounds very much like the music that would be in a c&c game xD
  4. Lol they're awesome dude, what you think of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrhYhI3L32c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ew__WkN7-4 also do you like s3rl? here is one of s3rl i like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_YVXAFSPxE i had a playlist of like 200 nightcore songs honestly now it makes my ears bleed. the fad is over for me. ah haha no worries
  5. Lol they're awesome dude, what you think of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrhYhI3L32c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ew__WkN7-4 also do you like s3rl? here is one of s3rl i like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_YVXAFSPxE
  6. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I thought it would be interesting to see what sort of music the Tiberian Sun community listens to? I personally like: Nightcore S3rl What about yourself?
  7. Which buttons do you speak of? Hi The issue I was/am having was that when I downloaded the full siingle player version from cncnet, after I loaded up the game (westwood intro, clicked tiberian sun not firestorm) the buttons that say e.g. "singleplayer, skirmish, internet, modem, exit, etc" were not showing. All I got was the picture/background. I decided to download the multiplayer only version from cncnet and at first that was also not working (once the game had started is was very blurry, and the option menu when clicked would not show. Also i would have to click multiple times for a unit to move, the mouse would go underneath the building/unit panel, there were bars flashing across the screen, just basically fucked). For some reason after I re-downloaded it about 10 times and tried all kinds of different patches that did not work, I have finally got it to work. I am not sure if the single player download would also work now as i havent tested it. Now my only sort of issue is the game gets a bit slow when there are a lot of units. The game is using my cpu to play (i7-4790k) but I have noticed that the max cpu usage will only be about 10% whilst playing at 1920x1080 (with other shit in the background too), I am not sure what the issue will be here. I am thinking that perhaps playing the game with my gpu would be a lot better but tbh i really dont know. any help is very appreciated! Thanks so far guys
  8. Hi, good to be back I tried it in skirmish and it was still laggy with a lot of buildings/units. I changed the settings from default to ddwrapper and fakeVsync, but I still have the same issue and I think it is still using the cpu?
  9. Haha thanks I have sort of fixed the whole button/glitchy problem with the game, but I am only able to run the game using my cpu, and at 1920x1080 it does get a bit slow (im not sure if its the game, connection, or the fact im using my cpu). Either way I would much prefer to use my gpu for obvious reasons, but im not really sure how haha. (btw tiberian sun is my fav game xD )
  10. *also im running windows 7 64 bit
  11. Hi guys, I have always loved tiberian sun and played it when I was younger. I have tried to download both the single player and multiplayer versions of tiberian sun (and tried that patches) but for some reason non of the buttons in the menu show? and when I start a game from the cncnet irc client the game is glitchy laggy and just fucks up really. My cpu is an intel i7-4790k with a nvidia GTX 980 gpu. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it, thanks!
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