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  1. It will be nice if we play together or something, I thinking in a video with 2 perspectives, the same match, the screen could be divided and show your actions and mines. I never see that before in a RA1 video. 1 guy made something similar with Dune 2000 but... not exactly the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfFoqkRda28 Welcome to CnCnet. Heyo, thanks! Haven't figured out how to record Red Alert 1 yet cause my usual method doesn't seem to work. I'll try to get Bandicam working to do the job. But that sounds like an interesting idea, send me a pm so we can work something out. ^^
  2. *cracks whip* 9 more slave. Wut, It's you again! You sure are the guru of old school CnC videos..
  3. Hi there o/ I have no idea if I'm allowed to place my link here as this is my first post, but here is my google drive link if you guys are still looking for videos. :O https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwYfbvpQvtC3dVdsOHBoNXc4eWM&authuser=0 (still uploading some vids) I usually play Tiberian Sun through CnCNet but I'm also going to make some videos about Red Alert 1 I think.
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