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  1. Thanks it worked What about the other part of the question ?
  2. So I converted a single-player map in Tiberian Sun to a multi-player map and did the necessary editing and stuff, the problem is that the AI does NOT attack me at all, it builds its base as normal but it just doesn't build up an attack to force to attack me, all it does is just building additional harvesters and strike me with super weapons and sit there. Help is appreciated! Also, is there a way to prevent structures you put for your house in the map editor from disappearing when you start the game ?
  3. Ok I downloaded Tiberian Sun Online and it's working now Thx for helping guys, much appreciated!
  4. Yes I used that patch and used the compatibility mode for windows 98 and tried to run it as an administrator and it still doesn't work
  5. I keep getting the error "Failed to initialize. Please reinstall" every time I start the game from the CnCNet 5 client, I tried reinstalling but it didn't work pls help! Note: I used the C&C Comm Center's installer (TSInstaller12) to install the game and I'm running the game in Windows 7.
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