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  1. Here is my remix of Frank Klepackie's original Hell March, I have put a lot of my time and effort into this, I haven't had much sleep in over 24 hours so I hope this was worth my time. Please enjoy, I promise you won't be disappointed! https://soundcloud.com/stephenstone5/hell-march
  2. I'm currently doing Hell March, the Administrator "Grant" asked if I would last year (Very cool, got some nice Westwood'y elements in there. How about a CnCNet soundtrack, maybe based on hell march? (Just my preference ) I'll post it when it's finished.
  3. Thanks for the listens, I will do first chance I get!
  4. I'm a musician that uses LMMS (Sampling Studio) LMMS can be downloaded for free.
  5. Hi all, I'm a Recording Artist, and I wanted to share my musical creations with you because I have noticed new music does get added in the games. I've been writing music for 23 years so there is nothing I cannot do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2coUpV4VrY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_DxksXbHyQ
  6. Hi all, I'm a Recording Artist, and I wanted to share my musical creations with you because I have noticed new music does get added in the games. I've been writing music for 23 years so there is nothing I cannot do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2coUpV4VrY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_DxksXbHyQ
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