Edit: It's been 5 years and in that time there has been significant progress in getting these games working well on modern operating systems. The current recommended method of getting these games working well is to install this mod in to your games installation folder http://downloads.cncnet.org/TSpatch.exe which is sourced from https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/2606-tiberian-sun-patches-fix-for-the-windows-8-10-menu-problems-and-more/
Problems with Tiberian Sun: Firestom (Base game is fine with the ddwrapper and NoVideoMemory option):
1) Scrolling the camera around the map during gameplay negatively affects gameplay performance in various ways. Performance is either super slow or super fast while scrolling the camera around the map.
2) Main Menu and in-game Pause Menu don't update visually. This gives the impression that the game has frozen, but the menu did load and it's interactive, it's just invisible.
Things I tried to fix both issues:
Tiberian Sun patches - Fix for the windows 8 / 10 menu problems and more
Command & Conquer Graphics Patcher
NoVideoMemory and VideoBackBuffer tweaks in the games INI file and various compatibility modes applied to the games EXE files.
The compilation patch (1st link) seems to simply provide an easy way to switch between the Windows ddraw.dll file, the ddwrapper version of ddraw.dll and the ie_ddrawfix version of ddraw.dll. It also offers some other options. Overall, this is a cool program and the effort that went in to making it is appreciated, as is the effort various people have spent making the various DirectDraw mods.
ddwrapper's NoVideoMemory option works excellently in resolving the performance inconsistency, however I can't seem to fix the menu visibility while using this mod.
ie_ddrawfix fixes the menu visibility issue, but the performance issue is not resolved.
Command & Conquer Graphics Patcher seems to have no effect on the games performance. Performance remains inconsistent.
The INI tweaks and compatibility mode tweaks yielded no effect on performance or menu visibility.
Is there no known way to have the performance fix WITH the menu visibility fix?