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Everything posted by Algernon

  1. Yes I was doubtful modifying system 32 files ... The multiplayer function is again available and everything works fine with "pre W10 and after W10 " cncnet files" on different family computers implementation. Thanks for the advices and I am very grateful for your involvement in making this old but always impressive and passionating game work on new OS, starting from Windows 95, when it was bought at first !
  2. Thank you very much ( and for the quick reply ) , I understand the source of the problem. As the other computers of the family have the "old" pre windows 10 RA1 files (implemented two weeks ago :-) ) it will be easier to join them with the Lan patch instead of parametring cncnet lobby, I assume. Just an other advice ; where do I put the wsok32.dll ? Owerwrtiting the system 32 exixting file ? Tks in advance ( and relief of understanding what is going on !).
  3. Installation made by web complete , windows 7 64 bits sp1; works fine on other similar computers of the family W7 and even XP but not on mine. I do not understand ! Thks for any help :-) Of course tried without firewalla nd anti viruses and so on but failed
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