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About CrazyGhost

  • Birthday 04/04/1997

CrazyGhost's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry for the late reply but thank you so much!!! If you want some other really cool Command and Conquer/Red Alert styled stuff visit this guy http://somesortofmax.deviantart.com/gallery/45862463/Red-Alert
  2. Thank you so much!! c: uhh yeah if you haven't seen I put some more up a couple days before this one, or you can check out my DeviantArt (http://crazy0ghost.deviantart.com/)
  3. haha, it isn't based off of any map to be honest :b Thank you!
  4. Yeah sure thing!! If you'd be so kind could you link my DeviantART with it http://crazy0ghost.deviantart.com/ Thank you!
  5. Thank you so much everyone for all the positive feedback from my last post!! c: I decided to make some Red Alert 1 art this time, a Soviet heavy dealing with a pesky Allied light tank harassing a mining outpost :b Enjoy ~
  6. Thank you!! and yeah I'd definitely be interested in some RA1 stuff and Tib Sun is one of my favorites so plenty more of that too :b
  7. Hey everyone!! My first time posting here and I'm not sure if this is where I should be posting art but I didn't see any other places :b Command and Conquer has been a huge part of my life, as it probably has been to most of the people still here, and it kinda sucks that the only thing that seems to be alive with CnC is the community, but the community is amazing <3 .. but we can still hope that there are plans for the future of CnC :c Anyway I've finished up a few pieces and thought I should post them here for you guys If you are interested in more of my art visit my DeviantART where I have all my stuff :b http://crazy0ghost.deviantart.com/ Enjoy ~ "Rocket Angel" "Infiltration" "GDI Ambush"
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