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  1. I know that I do not have ranked units in all "no-base" missions. I started one of them with ranked units. Failed, restarted, no more ranked units. I beat that anyway, not a big deal. Now I have big trouble in that mission. The first time I've build my base without problems. I restarted the game and I got the problem. So I load the "autosave" but still have this issue. When the MCV arrive I have no money, also I should find a money crate near the "Arc" but there is nothing. In the first game I found the crate.
  2. At the moment I'm stuck in Free Gataway mission (Allied campaign). When I get the MCV I have no money to build anything. The first time I've played that mission everything was fine, but later I restarted it and now I got always this bug. In some previuous missions with no base all my units started with no ranks, but I manage to complete the level anyway. Same story here: first time no problems, all the starting unit with max rank. Restart the game got the bug. My game version is 1.006.
  3. Hi guys. I picked up the game for free from Origin, but I'm having some game breaking bugs. Someone know some solutions? - maybe an un-official patch - or a save game to skip a mssion - or trainers Thank you. PS: this is the "new cnc-world"?
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