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  1. I am also having the same problem and its extemely annoying. Is this something specifically isolated to a few users. Seems like as many games that are going on daily there should be more discussion on this subject. My friend and I have been just playing team alliance against multiple hard ai's with multiple teams but it sometimes takes up 5-6 tries to assign correct starting locations due to the maps not being rendered and spawn map locations are not showing up. This is happening on his machine too, both client versions of 1.62, both running win7, 100mbit+ internet connections, both with intel i7s with 12gb+ ram, updated nvidia/radeon video cards with newest drivers (displaying ra2 in 1080p res) and plenty of terabytes of available disk space for png renderings. I've attached parts my log file as well as an ss of my screen.... hope this gets fixed (seems like it wasn't a bug until this version). I just got cncnet for ra2 about two weeks ago after hearing about the big update on sept 20th. Read that the preloaded png files were a 120mb file and the idea was scrapped due to it being too large? Doesn't seem too large to today's standards considering most games are 40gb+ these days. Is there still a download file I can download and manually install them? I've also read through all threads on this forum and read that the client renders it in the background lobby of cncnet yr, and that there should be .png files showing up in the Maps/Yuri's Revenge folder. No PNG files for me after letting the client sit idle overnight and all day at work 12+ hours total. Check my administrator permissions (including write-protection) and all seems in order. Is there anything else I can do to help fix this problem? 9. 10. 16:45:37.248 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\MojoSprt 9. 10. 16:45:37.250 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\MonsterM 9. 10. 16:45:37.252 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\MoonPatr 9. 10. 16:45:37.254 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\RiverRam 9. 10. 16:45:37.256 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\SinkSwim 9. 10. 16:45:37.258 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\Transylv 9. 10. 16:45:37.260 Loading map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\Unrepent 9. 10. 16:45:37.264 Finished initializing maps. 9. 10. 16:45:37.351 Initializing DTA CnCNet client. 9. 10. 16:45:37.352 Attempting to resolve IP address for eu.irc.cncnet.org 9. 10. 16:45:37.423 Attempting to connect to the specified server 9. 10. 16:45:37.533 Connection established succesfully. 9. 10. 16:45:37.538 Starting thread to handle commands. 9. 10. 16:45:37.634 WARNING: CnCMaps Renderer files not found. <rest of the log file is just irc users ips/whois/join/quit etc>
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