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  1. When I saved a TS game it froze and the sound kept looping about a seconds worth... The other day, playing Defend the Crash Site as GDI, after the ten minute storm ended and reinforcements arrived, the same problem happened... any way around this? Thanks PS: It's Windows 10, too...
  2. Yeah it was the alternate function but I want them for f2/f3 and f9/f10! Never mind, I'll just use the higher numbers for me groups...
  3. I am playing on a laptop and sometimes when I hit the number key "1" to select the first team, I hit F1 and it takes me out of the game (it thinks I am going to do a search on Windows...), then when I try to go back in it changes the screen resolution but won't display the Tiberian Sun graphics - just my desktop on top of it. Is there any way around this, besides changing my team numbers? I ask because I have nearly finished a level and this has happened.... Cheers!
  4. Thanks. I guess I didn't quite understand the nature of this site, as I was running the original Tiberian Sun CD from 1999. So far I've got "one or more dll files were missing or damaged. please reinstall.", then "unable to set video mode" when I run as administrator. I'll have a search on this forum and see if there's a solution. Edit: To be more precise, I get the splash screen up,and when I select Single Player, the video mode error appears. I don't appear to be able to find anything for Tib Sun on Windows 10 on this site... does anybody have any ideas? Thanks.
  5. Got a new Windows 10 laptop, tried to play Tiberian Sun on it. I had an error about comclt32.dll being old and, if I did not update it, to run vbrun60.exe from the Setup folder after the install, then reboot and run - which I did. I cannot get it to run at all from the desktop (file Sun.exe). As admin, or in XP SP3 compat mode - nothing Running autorun from the CD now gives an option to PLAY - but whether I run autorun as normal, as admin, or in compat mode at XP SP3, once I click PLAY the computer does nothing! I don't want to play online, just the GDI/NOD missions (USB dongle internet, you see...) Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks.
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