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  1. It seems enabling the "Skip Score Screen" option solved my problem... or at least circumvented it. However, C&C95 does not have such option, so I kind of worry.
  2. Where can I find the error log in question? I tried searching for it right after experiencing the crash, to no avail. And yes, I did use RA1Installer.exe. I chose the full CD install and I downloaded both iso files when the installer asked for their location. EDIT: Out of curiosity, I reinstall the game, this time using the full web installation, and I had the same experience as MattAttack: the game briefly freezed on the Score Screen when I pressed the Mouse Button around the time the high scores get displayed but did not crash this time.
  3. Hello all, I am trying to play Red Alert with RA95Launcher, but it seems everytime I press the Mouse Button while on the Score Screen, the game crashes to desktop. Is there a way to fix this? I read it was a known bug that was fixed with the 1.08 patch, but I am not sure if patches are compatible with the CnCNet version. Thanks in advance!
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