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Everything posted by T2Allied

  1. HEllllllo LADIES!!! Glad to still see some of the T2's floating around in the internet world. ME (T2-Allied) JayCeasar, Blue Sneaky we all are on the good ole facebook as I imagine almost all of us are. The RA was probably the greatest time Mplayer was just the bomb, met a lot of great players and great friends. I still check the Cnet and see a few of the old timers on there just think the game was in 96 and I was 15 years old, now at 34 still love this game and play it here and there, nothing will ever replace this game as far as the best ever. Defiantly would like to have a chat with the old crew maybe hook up on a new game and have a little taste of what years past was really about. Heck I have 2 daughters now and yes, I got them playing RA such a bad ass dad I am lol so if anyone see this message please feel free to hit me up and i still have the old hotmail account too [email protected] so if anyones around and wants to play let me know im down. Ive been playing League of Legends under 2handphenom, probably should have used T2Allied looking forward to hearing hopefully take care guys and gals
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