Hi there,
Is anyone able to play via cncnet on a SurfacePro 3 with windows 8.1? I have some troubles...
I recently bought red alert 2 (again) ;-) I've got it over origins.com with the ultimate all in one 17 c&c games bundle... the main reason is of course playing the game online, and thanks to cncnet it is still possible nowadays. Or at least it should...
I can start and play the game (skirmish) from the "normal" start (Ra2Launcher.exe) and the built in menus. However I want to play online...
When I start it via the cncnet client, it seems that the graphic settings get f***ed up somhow. I attached a screenshot. The screen seems to be truncated. And when the game is started no menus occur. Of course I can place my base but I'm not able to build anything ;-)
I played with the settings in the client a lot but I am just not able to get it fixed...
Also encountered that the ddraw.dll is added to the installation folder and the RA2MD.ini is changed on each start. Maybe it's possible to prevent these changes? I already tried to make the ini file readonly but this doesn't work.
I'm quite capable of programming (it's my profession) so a fork of the code to play around would also be a solution for me.
Thank you in advance
PS: have a good start in to 2016