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Everything posted by Bigred

  1. Copy these files into C/program files x86/origin games/command and conquer Thats all I had to do https://goo.gl/K5rIus Thanks for all the help Although I don't think I am out of the woods yet but I have just had a game and although the screen is smaller than my laptop screen (it's like watching a old programme on a new plasma) I think that should be it.
  2. What does download and apply mean? I have tried opening them and they won't open to run them. I have copied them into where the game installed and that don't seem to work either so download has been done apply could mean a whole world of different things. The video on the internet is so blurred they shouldn't have even bothered putting it up.
  3. Ok thanks I will get him to have a look at it with this highlighted.
  4. Well after getting my friend who builds computers and websites to teamview and try and sort it I sent him every link I have been given and he couldn't get it to work only as far as a blurred picture with no tabs but if you fished around you could hear the mouse clicking on tabs but couldn't see them. He tried but could get no further!!! (2) I got my code and downloaded red alert 2 out of the 17 games and I can hear the music click on the tabs I can't see as it's a black screen!!! and as for Plokite_Wolf comment about me being lazy I have been at this for near a week now wasting my time every night and come accross a post from you with similar issues!! I think it's EA and Origin that are lazy me paying for a game that they can't be bothered to make it work propelry.
  5. 4) In my registry file ZIP, place one file inside your RA2 directory: I can't move a file I don't have (my registry file ZIP) Plokite_Wolf so I have nothing to put in the directory and after spending three days on it i give up. Thanks for your help everyone.
  6. Thanks for the link but that is in Clingon to me. EA just tweeted back to me saying I could download it and use my unused code to install it but can't find it on Origan to download. Sure like to make a simple game near impossible to play!!!
  7. Thanks for the advice but I can't install the disk even just to play a skirmish with the computer will do for npw to practice but it get to the allied disk dectected voice and I click agree and nothing happens so can't even get it installed on laptop.
  8. Thanks. I noticed a pinned link on the top of this forum and ordered it. It comes on a card with a code rather than just emailing it so have to wait till tomorrow for delivery. I will update then. Cheers
  9. I think this is a downloadable version but not sure it will run on windows 10 as it does not say. https://www.origin.com/en-gb/store/buy/c-c-the-ultimate-collection/pc-download/bundle/ultimate-collection#details
  10. No reply from EA so I have decided to download it if that will work on windows 10 yet when I try it takes me to Yuri's revenge add on and then says I don't have red alert 2 installed so I can't proceed with instalation? http://cncnet.org/download
  11. Thanks for all your help I will try and call EA now if possible
  12. Hi all. I have just bought red alert 2 and I can get to the installation part that says Allied disk detected I click install and nothing happens. I have tried this with both disks and tried installing from the soldout menu too where I click install and agree to terms and that's as far as it goes. Is there something I am missing? Thanks
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