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About tyayedouard

  • Birthday 10/04/1994

tyayedouard's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey guys, i found a cd key and bought it, it's working fine and i'm downloading the game right now, thanks for your support
  2. Thank you guys for the answers, link doesn't work though (http://imgur.com/HfRdSHS), i may need to buy one on amazon
  3. Hi guys, just realised there's still a community playing red alert 2 and i'd love to play it again. Saw the topic to buy it but the amazon link only delivers in the UK and the origin's one leads me to an error page. I was wondering if there was any french around who could tell me where i can buy it. Thanks ps: i have the cd version somewhere in my house, but it's probably in the same place I misteriously lose all my socks :roll: . Would it be illegal to download it from a torrent, and would i be able to play online?
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