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Everything posted by Commander_Jack

  1. Hello it's me again (not Mario ) I have finished this map and got an idea for another map, but there comes my next question. How do you make it possible to start on the same starting position every game? I have read about that in the forum, but unfortunately it was for red alert 1. don't know if its also valid for TD. I know that multi 1-6 is bound to the colours of the player, so multi 1 is gold. But how does it work in multiplayer? I want to make prebuilt bases with no Construction Yard, but I want to give every player exact one base, but the problem are starting units like the ConYard or other troops starting in the enemy base. Sry for that weird post, but I'm currently ill and my head doesn't work like usual :/
  2. Yes the template blocked layer would be that with the information of units being able to pass, or am I wrong? And yes, many things are try and error, so much playtesting is needed. I know that, but now its just for decoration, later on its planned to make a scripted acion upon the crate. Nice to know that, so in Singleplayer, you could deny some buildings to be built if the mask is set correct? Or is that not possible?
  3. Thank you all for that good support. Now my map is working fine, only a few balancing problems, then it is good to go online.
  4. The question i have about power usage, how do i see how much power is used by the placed buildings and how much do i get from the power plants. does anybody know that numbers? Edit: a new picture
  5. Oh, that is bad. Good to know that, so where is my bulldozer to crush this vodoo priest
  6. Thanks for the tilesets.ini Yesterday some strange things happend on my map. I was testing it in skirmish with 3 AI Players, but some of the pre placed buildings got destroyed with the ion cannon. How is that possible, no crates, no Ion Cannon Control Center on map?
  7. Thank you, that was nice from you to upload a new video just do show HEX editing In my head I would have gone crazy with all those numbers in my mind, but very cool. I'm gonna try that when I have finished my map with tile stacking.
  8. Thank you for the link. Was the same problem, that the CCMap maker had the wrong conquer file. Now the Units and Buildings are perfectly showing again. The rest is sad to hear about. I don't want to HEX edit stuff, because its too deep in the matrix I'm a IT Specialist, but don't want to hang around code or something that looks like it in my spare time. I can give you a sneak peak of my map to show you what i did there. Hope its not that bad...
  9. Hello, I'm really new to this forum so be gentle with me, not knowing where to better ask this questions, than in this section. I was making some new maps for TD with CCMap Maker and now I have some questions and some problems. Hope someone can help me. 1. It looks like some of the Units and Buildings in CCMap Maker are wrong. E.g. the concrete walls are shown as temple of Nod, but when I open my map in XCC Editor the walls are correct. Is it possible to fix it? 2. Is it possible to make some new tiles and place it onto the map? E.g. for the Terrain Layer it would be good to customize the coast line tiles. 3. I could transform my map with civilian buildings from temperate to desert theme and it worked, look at the picture. So how can I place the buildings onto the desert map directly? I want some of the tiles in my desert map, but now i can't transform my map back to temperate only to place the buildings where i want them. Finally one question about scripting; (Haven't done any scripting or triggering jet,sry) 4. Is it possible to make the techlevel ajustable ingame? Let me explain what adjustable means to me: Player starts with tech level 2 or so, he can build basic troops. Then the player goes exploring and finds a crate with money, but the position of that crate is also a trigger who increases the techlevel to 6 or so. Would that work, or is it impossible, not only in Singleplayer, but also in Multiplayer? Thank you very much. Greetings Jack
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