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About overdate

  • Birthday 01/01/1991

overdate's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks everybody for useful information
  2. Thank you I understand ideas. Not so easy, but perspective. Can you tell me more about LCW format? Google give nothing. I ask senior colleagues - any clear ideas too. And what about quantity of TERRAIN`s objects? There is a limit? On maps more then 100X100 bottom is trees-less.
  3. Hi, everybody! Some time ago i has idea to create map generator for red alert 1. It simple to do size, start waypoint, trees, mines, units and other objects. Some bugs was but it can be fixed. But i have trouble with landscape objects like water, mountains, ore. I dont know how place them I use default: "" [MapPack] 1=CQAAIIH//v4f/4H/gAkAACCB//7+H/+B/4AJAAAggf/+/h//gf+ACQAAIIH//v4f/4H/gA 2=kAACCBAP7+HwCBAIAJAAAggQD+/h8AgQCA [OverlayPack] 1=CQAAIIH//v4f/4H/gAkAACCB//7+H/+B/4A= "" It work but landscape look monotonously(examples: testmap, testmap2). I can fix this manually, of cource! But i want to do full automatical generator. Heed for your ideas P.S. I know english bad, sorry for mistakes. testmap.mpr testmap2.mpr
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