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Everything posted by ParaRawr-

  1. Hey there, thanks for replying to my thread! Well, so I did reinstall the whole game into the My Documents directory (E:\Users\*my user name*\Documents\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Red Alert II\RA2) and sadly it didn't change anything. I also tried hosting via different servers, as well as trying to join games hosted by people other than the pals I play with and again I am the only one who has this issue whereby nobody but myself loads on the loading screen. Maybe it may help if I mentioned this one new issue I discovered : I downloaded Mental Omega and strangely enough the launcher told me that it couldn't connect to the cncnet servers. Perhaps an issue with cncnet itself or the game just won't connect to the servers properly? I really have no clue as to how I should proceed. Hopefully you guys figure out a way... EDIT : This is how it looks like when trying to connect to cncnet via Mental Omega : http://puu.sh/pf67G/4970b3017d.jpg
  2. Hey there fellow cncnet members, just recently a couple pals of mine and I decided to give in to a couple C&C matches, using cncnet to host our MP matches. However everything worked fine until we tried to host a game with YR-- everyone else was able to load the game properly except for me whereby I was the only one loading on the loading screen. As soon as the match started the game promptly informed me about everyone else having dc'd. Further information : *Running on win7 *Installed 'The First Decade' (in a non-standard directory, E:/ partition.) *I have tried disabling my firewall, as well as my anti-virus *Also portforwarding (8054 UDP) *Re-installed both CnCNet and RA2/YR *Tried compatibility modes *Naturally I am executing as an admin Hopefully you'll be able to help me with this little problem of mine, Thanks in advance!
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