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  1. acncXTRM

    Resolution RA2

    Thank you guys!
  2. acncXTRM

    Resolution RA2

    And then to 100%??
  3. acncXTRM

    Resolution RA2

    This seems to work! Right click on gamemd.exe (gamemd-spawn.exe for CnCNet), click on properties, go to compatibility and check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". Otherwise the game might "scale itself out of your monitor". But how to: Disable DPI scaling, set it back to the original 100% setting: It does not explain it voor windows 10, only 7 and 8
  4. acncXTRM

    Resolution RA2

    Dear RA2/Yuri players, I am a really old skool RA2 player from the days it all just began. I am thrilled that I can play it again and also online. I have downloaded RA2 from EA Origin and installed CNCnet application to play the game. Somehow I can only play at 800x600 resolution. In other resolutions I don't see anything or I see the MPV but not the 'building options' at the right of the screen. I saw some patches, but I think these are not suitable for the CNCnet application. I also tried them, but it wont work. I am running windows 10. Any suggestions?
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