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Everything posted by v3launcher

  1. tbh that is just wasting the playerbase and actually saying hey the one that made this hack have some money before we block it out. you know we have like 300 players at cncnet. I dont think its wise to give the guy that made the hack the money so easely. Who knows he might even pay others with it to make a new one that sells for a little more. still waiting for mod approval after 24 hours?
  2. http://imgur.com/vQVQGtX im sure its the same guy
  3. k first of all sorry for a new account but the pw recovery doesnt work for me so i had to make a new account. here it is, notice the yuri gattling tank: copy and paste too lazy to get forum codes http://imgur.com/fiBHSMH now here you can see no one had yuri: http://imgur.com/GK24uON and here you can see proof crates where off: http://imgur.com/1EE4tV3 http://imgur.com/hNuPxID http://imgur.com/Y8nfk9u i didnt change the settings after the game ended. clearly ahmaddd cheats.
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