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  1. Go to Applications->Right click on CNCNET->Click Show Package Contents->Click Drive_C->Click Westwood->Click Maps->Then Click what game you are playing-> Create a new folder called: "Custom" and put your maps in here.
  2. 1. Try changing the compatibility to "Windows 98/ Windows ME" by right clicking on the cncnet icon, select the Compatibility tab find it and click apply. 2. If you already have Red Alert 2 with Yuri's Revenge installed on your computer, try going to C: Program Files->EA Games->RA2->Right click on these two files: "gamed" & "Ra2md" and change them to the "Windows 98/ Windows ME" 3. Try running as a Administrator
  3. Is anyone else having a problem selecting a starting position on red alert 1 skirmish lobby on the Mac version? I'm not sure if this pertains to the Windows version but I am having this issue (no drop down menu allowing me to choose a starting position). When I hover over the three question marks the cursor does not switch from the pointer to the glove with the finger allowing me to select the drop down menu. It does allow me to choose the starting position for AI players but not me. Can someone look over this problem for me please?
  4. hmm, i'll give that a go then! I hope it works because many of the buttons on the keyboard become unresponsive when this screen issue happens.
  5. So I have a problem with online cncnet on my brothers Mac. When he joins my game lobby and I press "Launch Game", mine shows the loading screen and then starts the game; however his screen flickers and the loading screen is lagging off screen with multiple white/rainbow boxes flashing on the screen. On top of that his game freezes because of the graphic changes. What could be the problem? His mac has an AMD Radeon graphics card and we installed the game properly. I do know this: As soon as I press launch, his screen shows that there is a "unstable connection" in the chat window. We are both using the same internet.
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