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  1. jkm

    Hello all!

    I had a ton of id's back then tbh. can't remember most of them unfortunately. i think the one i used the most was GHOSTxxxx (x's being numbers)
  2. jkm

    Issues with OBS

    I'm just using OBS - not studio. I'm also on Windows 10. I can check out OBS studio as a second option as well. I plan on reformatting my PC tonight, so I'll let you guys know if I have any success sometime this weekend. Can't wait to make videos!
  3. jkm

    Lost Temple?

    Do any of you remember the custom map Lost Temple? IIRC, it was a 4 player map with bases being located on top of cliffs. TONS of gems. In the middle of the map was a double walled "fortress" with unpowered tesla coils in each corner. Can't recall if something was in the middle of it or not though. I just remember learning to play the game on this map and building ridiculously sized armies with my friends. If yall know where to find it, let me know Thanks!
  4. I'm just getting back into the groove of RA2. I haven't played much YR yet, but I remember Yuri being broken af. All of his units were incredibly good and had a use. I think the Boomer was pretty garbage iirc, but they were more of a "support" unit to me more than a full on naval assault unit. Rather than tweaking unit balance, I honestly think the best change that could happen in RA2 would be to implement some type of fog of war mechanic. I know vision is super important in this game, but I honestly think there's a better way to do it than "once you put units there, permavision forever". A couple of ideas would be : - A C&C version of Xel'Naga towers - radar like buildings that can be captured with an engineer to give vision over that area. How big the vision bubble would be is up for debate. - Structures that can be built to give small vision bubbles around your base. This way, it doesn't really give you total map vision, but would allow enough time to prepare for an incoming attack. In all honesty, I think the game is just fine as is. It would be fun to see something like this though.
  5. jkm

    Issues with OBS

    Thanks man Much appreciated! I'll give that a shot tonight!
  6. Hi all, So I've been trying to record some games with OBS and I'm having a helluva time getting it to operate correctly. I can't do a game capture since the client isnt showing up as an option in the program, so I was going to try with a monitor capture. Turns out it's no bueno either the game looks really blurry and it doesn't capture the entire screen. What do you guys use to record the games?
  7. jkm

    Hello all!

    Hey everybody, My name is Jared. Nice to meet you all! First and foremost, I was so fucking excited when I discovered that there was an active server for this game. I grew up playing this game nearly every single day for about 5 years. I was always consistently ranked in the top 200 for a few years in RA2, and even got into the top 50 when YR came out. That being said, I haven't played this in like...idk, 12 years? Haha. My friend and I installed this stuff and we've been having a BLAST playing again. It's also been great being humbled by those who are obviously savants at this game still. I can't wait to get my lost skill back and actually compete with some of you. Are there ever any tournaments going on in the community? I would like to help contribute - whether it's streaming tournaments, making videos, casting matches, PLAYING - whatever. Again - nice to meet you all, and thank you so much for those who made this possible! - JKM
  8. I'm totally down to get a tournament going on a monthly basis
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